Chapter 51 - Ruin Me

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The room was filled with the sound of metal clinking against metal as I strapped on my armor

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The room was filled with the sound of metal clinking against metal as I strapped on my armor. My mind focused on the mission ahead - to find Alessa and bring her back, no matter the cost.

Just as I adjusted the last piece of my gear, the door creaked open. I turned to see Nico standing there, his usual playful demeanor replaced by a somber expression. His eyes met mine, and I could see the worry etched in them.

"Dada?" His voice was soft, a hint of sadness in his tone.

I sat down on the edge of the bed, motioning for him to come closer. "Hey, Nico. What's up, buddy?"

He shuffled over and climbed onto the bed beside me, I looked into his eyes, searching for answers.

"It's Mama," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I miss her."

A pang of guilt tugged at my heart. Nico was too young to understand the complexities of the situation, the reasons why Alessa had left, Or kidnapped, But he deserved some assurance, even if I wasn't entirely sure myself.

I placed a hand on his shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I know you do, buddy. And I promise you, we're going to bring her back. She's strong, just like you and me. I'm going to bring her home"

He looked up at me, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "You promise?"

I met his gaze, my voice steady and firm. "I promise, Nico. We're a team, right?"

He nodded slowly, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Yeah, a team."

I pulled him into a hug, his tiny arms wrapping around me tightly. In that moment, I felt a surge of protectiveness and love for my child who was caught up in the mess that he never deserved.

"Be careful out there, Dada," he mumbled into my shoulder.

I hugged him a little tighter. "I will, Nico. You take care of yourself too, okay?"

He pulled away, looking up at me like I was his idol. "I will. And when you bring Mama back, everything will be okay, right?"

I smiled, ruffling his hair affectionately. "Absolutely."

His eyes sparkled, "I believe you, Dada."

As I watched him leave the room, a wave of emotions washed over me. I couldn't let him down. I couldn't let Alessa down. It was time to bring her back to us. To me


The tension was thick in the room as we stormed in, guns at the ready. The element of surprise was on our side, catching them off guard. Bullets flew, and the air was filled with the sharp cracks of gunfire. We moved with precision, taking them down one by one. 

I opened a door and spotted her struggling against the restraints, and my heart clenched at the sight. No matter what had happened between us, seeing her like this stirred up rage inside of me. The urge to pay them for what they did to her was so fucking strong but I knew I needed to get her out of here first.

I rushed to her, my fingers working to free her from the ropes that held her. Her eyes met mine, I wanted to say so much, to explain, to apologize. 

"You're safe now," I managed to rasp.

She nodded, her gaze never leaving mine. There was a vulnerability in her eyes that I hadn't seen before. A part of me wanted to reach out, to reassure her that things would be different now. But the weight of my own mistakes held me back.

A guard suddenly appeared in front of us, his gun raised. Without hesitation, I fired a shot straight into his head. He dropped dead instantly, collapsing to the ground. Alessa flinched at the sound, and I couldn't help but curse under my breath.

"Sorry, baby," I muttered, my heart pounding in my chest. It was a reminder of the world we were in, the danger that still surrounded us. As much as I wanted to shield her from it all, I knew that wasn't possible.

I reached for her hand, our fingers intertwining.

"We're getting out of here," I said firmly, my grip on her hand tightening. "I'm not letting anything happen to you again, Okay?"

She nodded, her hand tightening as a silent agreement.

Get me out of here? You got me into this mess, you sick bastard

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Get me out of here? You got me into this mess, you sick bastard.

I gripped his hand tighter, my nails digging into his skin. Hatred surged through me, a fire fueled in my veins. A new emotion took hold – a determination to turn the tables.

I will ruin you like you did to me Ace Hernandez

You may think I'm still the same fool I was years ago, but you're wrong. And I'll prove it to you. If I don't, then my name isn't Alessa fucking Romanov.





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