Chapter 15 - Betrayal

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I go home with my brothers, feeling a mix of annoyance and curiosity as they instruct me to sit down

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I go home with my brothers, feeling a mix of annoyance and curiosity as they instruct me to sit down. As everyone gradually gathers in the room.

Is there a fucking tea party going on here?

"Soooo," Uncle John starts, drawing out the word dramatically.

Over dramatic much?

I interrupt his theatrics with an impatient sigh. "Get to the point, Uncle. I don't have time for the theatrics."

He chuckles, clearly amused by my impatience. "Alright, alright. What happened at school today?"

"Some bitch pissed me off," I reply bluntly, not bothering to sugarcoat it. Uncle John's laughter fills the room, a sign that he finds my straightforwardness entertaining.

Deciding I've had enough of the family gathering, I excuse myself. "I'm going to my room to sleep. Call me if you actually need something important," I declare, making my way upstairs.

However, after ten minutes, curiosity gets the better of me. 

But they say that curiosity kills the cat.

As I listened to the conversation unfold, my heart shattered into pieces. They were discussing how our information had been stolen and there was a mole among us. And to my disbelief, they suspected me.

"I think it's Alessa," Jackson says, his voice filled with doubt.

"Me too," the A twins chime in unison.

Carter adds, "She does act cold towards us."

Sebastian voices his concern, "Yes, what if she was trying to gather information on us?"

Ian's accusation hits the hardest, "What if she's working with the Russians?"

The room falls into a painful silence as my own family, even Dad—no, Alexander—doesn't deny their suspicions. They actually believe I'm capable of such betrayal.

With a heavy heart, I walk back into the room, pretending I didn't overhear their accusations. "I'm going to Grey's and Leo's to study for a test," I inform them, and they nod absentmindedly.

I need to take Zoey to the warehouse as well. As I blast the music in my car, I sing along, allowing the familiar tunes to lift my spirits momentarily. 

Arriving at Grey's and Leo's house, I let myself in using the spare key. "Dear brothers, your favorite sister is here," I announce in a sing-song voice. They come downstairs, with Zoey trailing behind them.

"Hi, Zo," I greet her, enveloping her in a warm hug. She returns the gesture, and I can't help but notice a newfound brightness in her eyes.

"Did you tell her?" I ask my brothers, referring to the truth about our connections.

They nod, their expressions serious.

"Are you okay with it?" I inquire, concerned for her well-being. She looks at us, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions.

"Yeah, I just found out that my best friend, brother, and boyfriend are kind of like assasins, and you're all assassins. So yeah, I'm perfectly fine," she replies with a heavy dose of sarcasm.

A mischievous grin spreads across my face. "Yeah- Wait did you say boyfriend also did you two have sex? You're positively glowing," I tease, unable to contain my amusement.

She blushes furiously, muttering a shy denial.

Too cute.

"Don't worry, Zo. I'm thrilled to have you as my sister-in-law," I assure her playfully, causing her face to turn as red as a tomato.

Leo smirks, enjoying the banter. "Now, don't be shy, love. You weren't shy thirty minutes ago," he remarks, earning a playful glare from Zoey as she buries her face in the crook of his neck.

Are we sure he's an assassin?

"Fuck you," she retorts.

"You already did, love," Leo counters with a sly grin, making her blush even more.

"Alright, let's keep it PG. There are people here," I interject, bringing the focus back to our purpose.

They all respond with a small okay, but Grey's expression betrays his curiosity. He can sense that something is bothering me.

"Why are you here? I mean, not that I'm complaining or anything, but shouldn't you be with your family?" Grey asks.

I feel my anger simmering beneath the surface. "They are not my family," I say through gritted teeth, the bitterness creeping into my words.

"What did they do?" Grey presses, his anger matching mine.

Taking a deep breath, I recount the events and their accusations. The anger in the room intensifies, and even Zoey's knuckles turn white with rage.

"How could they suspect you? After everything they did? And you still forgave them," Grey says, his voice filled with disbelief and frustration. I nod in agreement, realizing that forgiving them so easily was a mistake.

"Don't forgive them," Leo interjects, his tone filled with determination.

I meet his gaze, my own resolve solidifying. "Don't worry, I don't plan on it," I declare, my jaw clenched with determination.

Zoey, ever the loyal friend, adds her own fiery response. "Even though I don't know how, can I kill them?" she asks, her voice carrying a mix of anger and determination.

I chuckle at her fierce spirit. "Of course, Zo. I'll teach you," I say, giving her a reassuring smile. She nods eagerly, her gratitude evident in her eyes.

"Oh, and Zo, your stepfather is in my warehouse. If you want to come and kill him, just let me know," I offer, knowing that this is a chance for her to seek justice.

Zoey embraces me, expressing her gratitude once again. "Thank you again. Can I kill him tomorrow? I need some time to mentally prepare myself," she asks, a grateful smile on her face.

"No problem, sister-in-law," I reply with a cheeky grin, enjoying teasing her.

Zoey playfully rolls her eyes. "You're never going to let this go, are you?" she says, laughter in her voice.


I hate her family!!!!!!!!

Next chapter is drama drama and dram..............

Until next time bitches 😉


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