Chapter 66 - Pregnant?

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As he put his chin on my head, I felt so happy and content

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As he put his chin on my head, I felt so happy and content. I was where I belonged, in the arms of the man I loved, in the home we'd build together.

I looked at the ring shining on my hand. I was going to get married.


I pull back and Ace looked at me with confusion on his face. "Ace, we're getting married, MARRIED, There's so much to do, the planning, the—"

"Breathe," he said calmly.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm the excitement and nerves. "Right, sorry. It's just... It's a lot to process, you know?"

Ace chuckled, "I know, mi amore. But we have time. Let's enjoy this moment."

And enjoy, we did. We spent the evening planning, dreaming, and just being together. It felt unreal, but in the best fucking way possible.


"THE COLOR IS DISGUSTING!" I screamed at the planner who had decided to use black as a wedding color theme. Black? I mean, seriously?

The planner looked terrified, and Ace put a calming hand on my shoulder. "Alessa, darling, maybe we can consider something lighter, like a mix of pastels? You know, for a more romantic feel?"

I huffed but nodded, "Fine, but no black. Absolutely no black."

The planner, a bit shaken, agreed to reconsider the color palette. The wedding planning was turning out to be more stressful than I thought, but Ace's presence made it bearable.


Ten minutes later, as I sipped my shake and flipped through bridal magazines, a quirky thought struck me. "You know what? Maybe black and gold could add a touch of elegance. What do you think?" I said, looking at the planner.

Her face turned pale. "Ma'am, we can't change it again. Everything is already in process, and it would be chaotic."

The realization hit me, my heart sank, and I felt a lump forming in my throat. "But I thought..."

Tears welled up in my eyes, and before I knew it, I was full-on crying. Just then, Ace walked into the room, concern written all over his face.

"What happened? Why is she crying?" he asked the planner.

She stammered, "She... she wanted to change the color theme again, and, well, we can't."

Ace shot me a look, concern mixed with a hint of amusement, "What made you change your mind?"

I sniffled, "I just thought black and gold would be so... so beautiful."

"Change it. My wife will not be crying," Ace said shooting her a glare and the planner nodded, terror evident on her face as she rushed out to make some calls.

"Babe, are you okay? You've been a bit emotional lately," He asked when she had left the room.

I sniffled, wiping away a tear. "I'm fine. It's just wedding stress, you know? But I changed my mind again, let's go with the pastel theme. It's romantic."

Ace chuckled, "Whatever you want, love. Just take it easy, alright?" He pulled me into a gentle hug, and I leaned against him, finding comfort in his embrace.

"You're going to be the death of me with these wedding mood swings," he teased, planting a kiss on my forehead.

"I just want everything to be perfect," I admitted, my voice muffled against his chest.

"It will be perfect, because it's ours," he reassured, his fingers tracing comforting circles on my back.


I found myself in my room, throwing up and feeling utterly exhausted. Leaning against the wall, I tried to calm my racing heart. The nausea was relentless, and my mind couldn't shake off the memories of the other day.

It all started when I was alone, watching those innocent puppy videos. To my surprise, tears streamed down my face uncontrollably. The flood of emotions was confusing, and the last time I felt this way...

It was when I was pregnant with Nico.

I went downstairs and approached my friend, Bailey. "Hey girlie, wanna come with me to the drug store?" I asked, and she looked at me with concern. "Is everything okay?"

Bailey agreed, sensing something was off. We headed to the drugstore, and I discreetly picked up a pregnancy test. As we waited in line to pay, a storm of emotions swirled within me.

Back home, I hesitated before taking the test. The bathroom suddenly felt too small, and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. Bailey waited outside, giving me the space I needed.

The seconds on the clock felt like an eternity as I waited for the test results. When I finally gathered the courage to look, the positive sign stared back at me.

I was pregnant.


Who all saw that coming?


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