Chapter 44 - Nightmare

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"Do you want me to take you to your room?" Ace's words were cold as he hoisted a sleeping Nico onto his shoulder

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"Do you want me to take you to your room?" Ace's words were cold as he hoisted a sleeping Nico onto his shoulder.

"No," I replied curtly, my gaze meeting his icy stare.

"Is it the same as before?" I asked and he nodded. I motioned towards Nico, silently asking where he would sleep.

"He can sleep with each of us on alternate days," Ace stated. I agreed with a nod, not bothering to engage in unnecessary conversation.

"Also, I'm taking him out tomorrow if that's fine with you," he informed me, his tone implying that my opinion hardly mattered. I responded with a another nod, my interest in his plans very minimal.

As Ace lowered Nico onto the couch, I glanced at him again. "Where are you taking him anyway?"

"It's a secret," he said, his lips curving into a humorless smirk. I rolled my eyes, unimpressed by his attempt at playfulness.

"He can sleep with you tonight," I decided, already walking away towards the stairs.

"You can go; I'll deal with your suitcases after I put Nico to sleep in my room. Clear?" Ace asked

"Crystal," I retorted, my eyes narrowing.

"Also, some of my stuff is still there, right?" I questioned, a sense of urgency in my voice.

"Obviously," he replied with a hint of sarcasm, the coldness in his eyes never wavering.

"Fine," I snapped, my frustration bubbling over. Without another word, I headed up the stairs and entered my room.

 Without another word, I headed up the stairs and entered my room

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^^^^ Imagine this

Later that night, as the house settled into an uneasy quiet, I found myself standing outside Ace's door. It was Nico's bedtime, and I wanted to wish him goodnight. I hesitated for a moment, my hand raised to knock, before finally giving in and tapping lightly on the door.

The door opened, revealing Ace on the other side. A knowing smirk tugged at the corner of his lips, and his gaze met mine with an infuriating glint. His bare chest was glistening under the soft light of his room, and I couldn't help but notice that he had more scars than before. It was an unexpected combination that somehow he managed to make it look hot.

His smirk widened when he noticed I was checking him out. Bastard

"My, my, Alessa. Visiting a man's room in that nightgown. Should I be flattered?" he remarked, his tone dripping with an arrogant confidence.

My face flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and anger. "I didn't come here for your stupid games. I'm here to say goodnight to Nico."

He leaned against the doorframe, his posture casual. "By all means, then. Come on in."

I stepped inside the room, my irritation growing at his taunting demeanor. Nico was already in bed, his eyes drooping with sleepiness. I approached the bed and brushed a strand of hair away from his forehead.

"Goodnight, sweetheart," I whispered, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead.

Nico stirred slightly, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Night, Mama."

As I turned to leave, Ace's voice stopped me. "You're in my room now. Anything else you want to do?"

I shot him a glare, my frustration bubbling up again. "I've said my goodnight. What else is left," I ask.

He took a step closer, "I can think of a few things."

I backed away, my back hitting the wall as he continued to advance. "Yeah, Like what?" I challenged, my heart rate picking up as his proximity. He nodded slowly, a smug expression on his face. His next words, however, made my breath catch in my throat.

"How about I show you, sweetheart?" he drawled, his voice low and suggestive.

I froze, my cheeks flushing. "W-what do you mean," I stammered, my voice barely audible.

His hand came up to my hair, twirling a loose strand around his finger as he leaned in closer. His lips were dangerously close to my ear, "Didn't anyone ever tell you never to go looking in the lion's den unless you want to be eaten?" he purred.


I swallowed hard, his words hitting me like a warning and a challenge all at once. My mind raced, trying to come up with a response, but his presence was overwhelming, and I found myself unable to form any thought.

He pulled back, his smirk still firmly in place, his eyes locked onto mine as if he was daring me to respond. "Sleep well, Alessa."

And then, with a casual stride, he left me standing there, my heart pounding, my thoughts in turmoil, and his words echoing in my mind like a taunt I couldn't escape. 

That asshole


I was sleeping peacefully when a piercing scream coming from Ace's room. Nico.

My heart raced as I instinctively reached for my guns. I burst into Nico's room, my muscles tense, only to relax when I realized there was no immediate danger. Instead, I found Nico thrashing in his sleep, his face contorted in distress, and his mumbled words were barely audible, something that sounded like "mama, help."

"What's happening?" Ace's voice was gruff, his face etched with concern.

"What do you think, idiot?" I snapped back, my own worry mixed with frustration. "He's having a nightmare."

I moved swiftly to Nico's side, gently trying to wake him from his nightmare. "Shh, baby, mama's here. Nothing will happen to you," I murmured, my voice soothing as I stroked his hair in an attempt to calm him.

Gradually, his thrashing subsided, and his breathing evened out as he slipped back into peaceful sleep. I turned around, only to be met with Ace's hard glare.

"I think it's time that you and I have a little..." he began, his voice low, and then paused, his gaze shifting to Nico's sleeping figure.

"Talk," he finished, his tone indicating that this conversation would be far from pleasant.

Oh fuck, How am I supposed to get out of this one.

I'm so fucking screwed.


And that is the end of chapter 44.


I loved writing this chapter for some reason. Ughhh Ace is so hot. If you all read this with a straight face, GO TO THERAPY RN


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