Chapter 64 - Shiny

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My eyes was on the computer at my desk when my son, Nico, adjusted and snuggled into me on my lap

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My eyes was on the computer at my desk when my son, Nico, adjusted and snuggled into me on my lap.

Like mother, like son.

"Hey there, sleepyhead," I greeted him in a hushed tone, my fingers gently running through his  hair.

"Papa," he mumbled, his eyes blinking up at me.

"Did you have a good nap?" I asked, unable to hide the smile tugging at my lips.

"Mmm, your lap is comfy," he replied and I smiled at him.

"Well, you're always welcome here, you know that, right?" I said, my heart swelling with a love and affection.

I love this kid so much.

As I continued to work on my computer, Nico sat on my lap, his small fingers occasionally tapping on the keys as if imitating my actions. It was adorable how he tried to mimic what he saw me doing.

"Hey, Papa?" he spoke up, looking at me with those big, curious eyes.

"Yeah, buddy?" I replied, focusing on him while still trying to manage my work.

"Do you love Mama?" he asked,

My heart skipped a beat, and I couldn't help but smile. "Absolutely, more than anything in the world."

"Can I love someone like you love Mama?" He asks me and I look at him and nod.

"Of course, buddy. Loving someone is a beautiful thing, and one day you'll find someone who makes your heart feel happy and full, just like Mama does for me."

"There's this girl...," Nico hesitated.

I raised an eyebrow, curious. "A girl, huh? And this girl doesn't happen to be a certain redhead you met at a park, would it?"

Nico's eyes widened, a look of surprise and on his face. "How did you know, Papa?"

I chuckled, ruffling his hair. "Dads have a way of figuring these things out, buddy. So, tell me more about Lilith. What do you like about her?"

Nico blushed again, his cheeks turning a shade of pink. "She's really nice, Papa, and she has the prettiest smile. And her laugh is like music. I could hear her all day"

"But....," He continued, a frown on his face.

"But?" I questioned him.

"The other day, her brother came, and he was being really mean with her, grabbing her and all, so I got mad and I," His voice became low, "punched him. Lili hasn't come after that."

"You did the right thing, standing up for your girl, buddy. I'm sure she'll come back soon enough. And if she doesn't, I'll help you find her."

Nico's eyes brightened, and he hugged me. "Thank you, Papa. You're the best, and you know Momma said she'd help me too."

I hugged him, "We both will help you."

Nico seemed satisfied with that answer, content to continue sitting on my lap, occasionally looking at the screen like he understood everything.


"Now kiddo, I need your help on something," I said after finishing my work, and his eyes widened with interest as he nodded, telling me to continue.

"See, I want to marry your mama, and make your mom mine forever" I began, and Nico's eyes gleamed with curiosity.

Nico's eyes widened, and a big smile formed on his face. "Like a prince and princess?"

I chuckled, "Exactly like that, buddy. But I need your help. I want to make it special for her. What do you think?"

Nico thought for a moment, his tiny fingers tapping his chin. "Flowers! And... and music! And, um, a shiny thing!"

I laughed, "You mean like a ring?"

He nodded enthusiastically, "Yes, yes! Shiny ring!"

I ruffled his hair, "You're a genius, my little advisor. Now, how do I make it all happen?"

Nico looked thoughtful, "Well, first, you get flowers. Lots of them. And then, you play her favorite music. And finally, you give her the shiny ring!"

I smiled at him, "That sounds perfect, Nico. Thank you for helping Papa."

Nico beamed, "Yay! Papa's gonna marry Mama!"

I hugged him, "Yes, buddy, I am. And with your help, it's going to be the best day ever, And we are going to keep it our little secret till I ask her okay?"

Nico nodded enthusiastically, "Our secret"

"Exactly," I said, and we fist-bumped.


The blindfold was snug around Alessa's eyes as I led her, my steps measured. The location was a secret, a surprise I had planned for her.

"Alright, Ace, you've had me in suspense for long enough. Where are we?" Alessa's voice reached my ears.

"Almost there, mi amore. Just a little more patience," I responded.

She chuckled. "You're really enjoying making me wait, aren't you?"

"Just savoring the moment," I admitted, a smile playing on my lips. "Okay, we're here. You can take off the blindfold now."

It was time to do this.


I have all of the chapters written sooo you can expect double updates. Be happy people.

Also in the next chapters, there might so spice, cuteness, fluffiness and shit ton of drama so buckle up people cuz this is gonna be one hell of a bumpy ride.


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