Chapter 70 - Wedding

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I was cozied up next to Ace, enjoying a moment of peace before the chaos of the day began

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I was cozied up next to Ace, enjoying a moment of peace before the chaos of the day began. The soft murmur of morning filled the air, and I was content.

Suddenly, the door burst open, and in came Nico, with uncontainable excitement. "Get up, get up, Mama! You're getting married today!"

Ace, in his deep morning voice, "We did that yesterday, buddy."

Nico froze, confusion clouding his face. "What do you mean?" he asked, looking back and forth between us.

I shot him a glare. This guy was going to fuck everything up.

Ace chuckled nervously, shooting me a sheepish grin. "In my dreams, buddy. In my dreams, I married your mama."

Nico's eyes widened with curiosity. "Mama, did he really dream about marrying you?"

I feigned innocence, "Oh, Nico, dreams can be strange sometimes, and you know how much Dada loves me, so he must have."

Nico's mood seemed to shift, and I noticed. "Nico, buddy, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing, Mama. Let's go," he replied, trying to shake off whatever was bothering him.

We headed to the kitchen, where a special breakfast was waiting for us. Nico, however, seemed unusually quiet. As we sat around the table, he poked at his pancakes, not really eating it.

"Are he pancakes not good, sweetheart?" Ace asked and he just shook his head," No, they're great"

"Buddy, what's going on?" Ace asked.

Nico sighed, but he didn't say anything. He seemed lost in his thoughts, his usual bubbly energy replaced by a quiet sadness.

"Something on your mind, buddy?" I prodded gently.

He shook his head, avoiding eye contact. "Just thinking." Ace exchanged a glance with me, and we decided not to push him. He would tell us when he wanted to.


Nico was dressed in the most adorable little suit as the ring bearer

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Nico was dressed in the most adorable little suit as the ring bearer. His miniature version of a tuxedo seemed almost too big for his tiny frame, but the cuteness overload was undeniable.

As the dressers got him ready, adjusting the tie that threatened to engulf his neck and straightening his suit jacket, Ace couldn't resist teasing him. "Look at you, little man. You're stealing the show"

Nico grinned, "Do I look handsome, Dada?"

Ace ruffled his hair affectionately. "You look like a superstar, buddy."

The ceremony was set to begin, and Nico held the rings in a small cushion with utmost seriousness. He walked down the aisle and as he reached the front, Ace knelt down, giving him a fist bump. "Great job, buddy. Now, we just wait for Mama to walk down that aisle."

Nico nodded, his eyes scanning the crowd. He had a lingering thought on his face, as if waiting for someone.

Alessa's brother, Lorenzo, walked her down the aisle, his arm securely holding hers. As they made our way toward Ace, She couldn't help but feel a wave of emotions crashing over her. Taking a deep breath, she looked at Lorenzo, who offered her a reassuring smile.

When Alessa reached Ace, Lorenzo gave her a loving hug before placing her hand in Ace's. There, under the arch, she looked into Ace's eyes, and all the nervousness melted away. Lorenzo, standing beside them, leaned in towards Ace. "If one hair on her head is hurt, I'll bury you six feet under," he whispered fiercely.

"If I ever hurt her, I'll do it myself," Ace whispered back and Lorenzo nodded, giving her hand to Ace.

During the vows, Ace and Alessa exchanged promises of love and commitment, promising to stay by each other's side forever. They danced their first dance as a married couple, the world fading away as they held each other close.

After the ceremony was done, Ace leaned his head against Alessa's.

"Ready for the rest of our lives, Mrs. Hernandez," he whispered, his breath warm against her ear.

"Absolutely, Mr. Hernandez


A small figure lingered near the back of the venue, his eyes dead and void of life, fixated on the wedding. His tiny hand clutched the fingers of a tall, sinister figure beside him. The man's gaze bore hatred, a dark fire burning in his eyes.

Kneeling down, the tall man met the child's cold stare. "They left you, abandoned you. Don't you want revenge?" he whispered with a cruel edge.

The little boy's hands clenched into fists, and a twisted smile formed on the man's face. "Exactly. Do you feel the anger burning through you?" he chuckled.

The child's lips barely moved as he nodded, his eyes narrowing with determination. "I won't fail you, sir," he uttered in a quiet yet resolute voice.

The tall man's grin widened, revealing a sinister satisfaction. "Good"

As the figures vanished into the darkness, the child's last haunting thought echoed.

You'll pay for what you did... mother.


The End


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