Chapter 30 - Daniel

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'Bellinor Bellinor'  The chants grew stronger, reverberating through the underground arena

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'Bellinor Bellinor'  The chants grew stronger, reverberating through the underground arena. I stood at the edge of the ring, my eyes fixed on my opponent.

(Fact- Bellinor means Beautiful and Dark person)

My breath was heavy, my muscles tense. I needed an outlet for the frustration that had been building up inside me. Fighting was the only way to blow off steam, and here in the ring, I could let it all out.

As the opponent in front of me swung a left jab, I swiftly dodged to the side. , I unleashed a right hook, a punch that landed with satisfying force against the man's head.

Each blow I delivered, each dodge I executed, was a release, a way to channel my anger and frustration.

The chants and roars of the crowd became background noise, the only thing that mattered was the winning. Dodge, punch, weave, block – it was a dance of of movement and power.

The minutes stretched on, a blur of action and adrenaline. And then, finally, the opponent staggered back and fell, his breath heavy and labored. The referee stepped in, declaring me the winner.

The cheers of the crowd erupted as I grabbed the towel and wiped my forehead with it. My-Don't tell him I said that, best friend, Daniel, handing me a water bottle.

"What got you in such a pissy mood," He asks, giving me the money from the fight.

"Trouble in paradise?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes and shot him a glare. He raised his hands in mock surrender, muttering something that sounded like "just asking."

I took a deep breath "Just some shit I needed to work out."

Daniel nodded, his eyes dancing with humor. "Ah, the usual then. Gotcha."

"Let's just go," I said, sighing.

"How's my babygirl?" he asked, referring to Alessa, knowing exactly how much I despised that nickname.

 "She's not your babygirl, and you know I hate it when you call her that."

Daniel's grin only widened, mischief dancing in his eyes. "Oh, come on, man. You're not giving her enough credit. I bet she secretly adores it."

I scoffed, unable to believe he was pushing this argument. "Yeah, and I'm secretly a unicorn."

Daniel laughed heartily. "You never know, man. Stranger things have happened."

I shot him a skeptical look. "Stranger things, maybe. But calling her 'babygirl'? That's pushing it."

"We had a fight... kind of," I blurted out.

Daniel's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "You and Alessa had a fight? When? Why?"

I shrugged casually, playing it off "Eh, over some silly stuff. You know how it is."

"What kind of silly stuff?"

I waved a dismissive hand. "Oh, you know, the usual. She accused me of keeping things from her, and I got pissed."

Daniel chuckled. "Ah, the classic 'secret-keeping' argument, Wait, "Does this mean I finally get my chance with her?"

I shot him another glare. "Dream on, Daniel."

As we walked to the car, I told him what happened exactly and he nodded, "Man, You really fucked up this time, didn't you?" he said with a grin.

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks for the reminder, Captain Obvious."

Daniel chuckled. "Hey, someone's gotta keep you in check."


 "You just love pushing my buttons, don't you?". He shrugged, that grin still plastered on his ugly as fuck face. "What can I say? It's a talent."

I sighed, half annoyed and half amused by his relentless teasing. "You're lucky I tolerate you."

Daniel raised an eyebrow, mockingly offended. "Tolerate me? Oh, come on, Ace. Admit it, you love having me around."

"Yeah, like a rash I can't get rid of."

He laughed, clearly enjoying himself. "Ah, the sweet sound of friendship."

"Just drive, you bastard"



I love Danny. He's the best.

Till next time bitches 


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