Chapter 26 - Cute Drunk

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"You're really hot, Like really hot," Alessa babbled as she got into the car with me

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"You're really hot, Like really hot," Alessa babbled as she got into the car with me. Left her alone for two minutes and next thing I know she's shit faced drunk.

I chuckled as I helped Alessa into the car, her words slurring a little with each passing second. "Thank you" I replied playfully, buckling her in.

She opened the mini fridge and got out another bottle and I quickly took it out of her hands. "I think you've had enough"

"Enough? Pffft, you're such a buzzkill," Alessa giggled, attempting to snatch the bottle back from me.

"No, Alessa," I insisted, placing the bottle back in the fridge.

She held up a hand and turned to face the window, crossing her arms like a child and sulking. "Don't talk to me. You're no fun," she slurred, attempting to sound serious but failing adorably.

Ignoring her protests, I pulled her closer against me until she was nestled in my arms. She flailed her arms, attempting to hit me with her tiny fists, but her tiny hands felt like someone was hitting me with a feather.

"Oh, feisty little one, huh?" I teased her, a smile on my lips as she kept trying to get away.

"Let me go," she pouted, but her words were slurred, and the effect was more adorable than serious.

"You're not going anywhere," I said, holding her tightly but gently.

She looked up at me, her eyes sparkling. "You're mean," she declared.

"I'm mean?" I chuckled, amused by her antics. "And what do you call yourself, huh? A little troublemaker, perhaps?"

She giggled, her cheeks flushed "Maybe I am," she agreed, "but you still love me."

"Yes, I do," I admitted, pressing a soft kiss on her forehead. "Even when you're being a cute little drunk."

She stopped struggling and snuggled closer to me, her head resting against my chest. "You're warm," she mumbled, her words slightly muffled.

"I know, I'm not your personal heater for nothing," I replied, wrapping my arms around her protectively.

She let out a contented sigh, her body relaxing against mine. "I like being in your arms," she murmured, her eyes drooping.

"I like having you in my arms," I whispered. I wait for her reply but look down and see she's fast asleep.

As we finally arrived home, Alessa seemed to have dozed off in my lap. I gently tried to wake her, calling her name softly, but she was deeply asleep, snuggled against me.

Carrying Alessa in my arms, bridal style, I made my way to our bedroom. Despite her drunken state, she nestled closer, as if she could sense my presence even in her sleep. Her head rested on my shoulder, and I could feel her soft breath against my neck.

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