Fleece Market Wonder

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She had almost forgotten how much fun these were in such a big city! Adarna had a big population by the looks of the crowds coming in, but there was always plenty of room at the fleece market, and plenty of items to sell.

Indigo hadn't even thought of going here until Florence suggested it. It was supposed to help her get out of the house and go see some things. Her and Daisy had been shaken up by what had happened, but it was good to know that everything was alright now. She was just glad that her vision hadn't come true and that the people who tried to kidnap her, before Daisy, were locked up. Now that they were out of the picture, she was quickly starting to like it there.

Indigo had been to large cities before. It never shocked her the large crowds of bustling people. Her family always traveled in cramped RVs filled with every kind of object known to man. Some things weren't of any value at all. They were just sparkly, and that was why they were collected. One never knew whether it would bring them good luck or not.

"You gonna buy anything?" Alfonso asked her. "Or are you just going to stand there and take photos of everything?"

Indigo smiled and answered her cousin by pointing her camera towards him. She always liked photography, even though she was never able to develop the pictures herself. Her dream when she was little was to be a photographer or an artist, because she loved to draw flowers that they drove past. She wasn't the best at it now, but she was good at sowing and a few other trades. She didn't exactly want to work at a fast-food place, so selling some of her work might not be a bad idea.

If she could find the right material, she could even make dresses to sell. Bartley was already talking to her about selling some of the things that she made. He already had this shop set up online for it, but she wasn't too sure herself. She didn't know how to work the computer that well. Besides, if she could sell at a fleece market, it might be more fun and get her out of the house rather than just staying inside and sowing.

She liked the outdoors, much to people's surprise. She had grown up in the wilderness, traveling to all sorts of places. Beaches were her grandfathers favorite place to go. He could always find some amazing jewelry there. She remembered going with him to the pawn shop nearby all the time. They would always give him cash for what he found, and he always knew how to talk to them to giving him a better price.

Indigo had learned that from him, and she wanted to use that towards something. If she could get a location at the fleece market, then she would be set.

But now, she would simply just enjoy the beauty of it all. Most of the people walked around as if it was nothing special, just a place that they always went to in order to find some cheap clothes or toys and trinkets for their children. She saw it through her own eyes, full of wonder and happiness.

It must just be in the gypsy blood, because all of her cousins were just like her when they had gone. They laughed at some silly trinket that was being sold, or when Daisy put a frilly hat on Bartley just to see his reaction. He egged her on by imitating her, covering his mouth and doing the worst impression of her giggle. It sounded absolutely atrocious, and hilarious at the same time.

The next thing they grabbed was a large towel that was being sold, to which Alfonso and Bartley threw on top of the rest of the group. Indigo screamed and laughed as she threw the thing off. They chased after them all the way to the other side of the place.

"We haven't had this much fun since Daisy got herself that boyfriend," Alfonso held his stomach, his face finally coming back from the red that it was before. "Now she acts all rich and goody for us."

"Or maybe I'm just starting to save better than you guys," Daisy rolled her eyes, looking at Indigo. "They act like they don't see me at all. Even though I still live with the idiots!"

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