Past Tense

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It was nice being with his pack again. It had been a long time since he had run with them, if he were being honest with himself. There was a time, years ago, where he would focus on them fully, hunting and fighting, working himself to the bone to be the strongest one in his pack. He had gotten into a lot of fights when he was younger. It wasn't intentional at first. At first, it was just to protect his pack. The time when he lived in the pack house was the time in which the pack had been going through the darkest years.

It had been rewarding. He could say that for himself. But there was a time in which he didn't want to fight anymore. At least, not for the career path that he had chosen. He had struggled to keep his grades up while in school trying to protect his family, somehow able to multitask while he did it.

It was one of the moments in his life that he rarely got sleep. Then again, there were many times in which sleep had been scarce. His younger years were just the times that he had struggled the most with it. Sometimes he would go without sleep for days, even a week at most. If it weren't for his werewolf counterpart, he was sure that he wouldn't be able to accomplish all that he had on such little sleep.

That was years ago, though. While he hadn't hunted with the pack in such a long time, they still remembered when he did. They still remembered a lot, actually, even with the younger ones growing into their positions, they didn't forget how much he fought, or all that he had done for them. That was probably why they respected him so much.

It was Skaal that pushed the both of them during the times that they hunted now. William wouldn't have asked him to come with the hunting party if it weren't a serious issue, and now that Jim was there, he had to show everyone that he still had it in him. Since he had lived in the city for so long, they all thought that he had grown soft with all the humans around him. They failed to realize just how much Jim pushed himself to stay in shape.

Now he just had to prove it to his pack. That was common for the BlackTooth pack. At least, for him it was. Even when it was well known that he was the strongest of their warriors, he still had people who thought otherwise. Some that wished to challenge him. He hated when they did. A challenge between werewolves always resulted in a fight to the death.

And Jim hadn't lost a single one of those challenges.

"There's no hint of those witches yet," Skaal reported to the rest of the pack. They had been searching almost every night. While they had seen some signs earlier that week, it seemed as though they all but disappeared recently, not a trace to be found.

He made sure to tell Snake to be on the look out in the city. If they drove them out of the forest, then he knew they would be trying to hide with the crowds that came to the night scenes that scattered the cities. Snake was alright with that. The vampire rarely slept himself, so he always needed something to do at night.

Of course, he didn't tell his brother that he had asked for Snake's help. William was the only one that knew there was a vampire so close by to all of them. If the pack knew, they would try to rip Snake apart.

And, as much as the man annoyed the ever living shit out of Jim sometimes, he didn't want to see him dead. He was more useful alive if anything.

"Fall back for now," Sbari ordered. While William could have quickly made the order to everyone, when they were all in their wolf forms, the control over their minds was left to their other half. Sbari was great at delegating tasks, and knowing the perfect action for any given situation. He made a great leader. For that, Jim was proud of his brother.

"What about the other parts of the forests?" another one of their party asked. "There's still some areas that we haven't thought to look through since an hour ago."

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