Hiking For Answers

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Well, if there was one way to find answers, it had to be through getting them herself. Her dreams were starting to taunt her and keep her up with images of wolves and tall trees. There were so many different shapes to her dreams, but they were always dark colors, blurry and unfocused. The longer she tried to focus on them, harder it became to see them.

Which was why she was out in the forest, her camera ready. It was broad daylight, so she wasn't going to have to worry about the thrill and chill that all the locals talked about when it came to this forest. She was honestly just trying to figure out the mystery of it. The trees pulled her in with the unknown.

When she had first come to this city, she had been afraid, much too afraid to even want to come outside of her cousin's house. But now she wasn't that way. Now her confidence was back, and she was going to figure out this strange mystery that surrounded Jim if it was the last thing she did. Now that she had heard so much about his family, it made her more curious as to what was going on. The more questions she asked, the less she seemed to know, though.

She bet that she could find something about them in this forest, though. That, or she could get a close peek at some of those wolves. She wondered if she walked far enough, she could find them. The sun shined brightly through each and every tree branch. It was actually really pretty. If she couldn't find anything about that, then she could at least get a good picture.

The trees were really thick, and the air held humidity in it, allowing the plants to keep a water source. Indigo had been through many forests, but none of them were as interesting as this one. Each tree seemed to have a different story to it. The more she looked at them, the more scars she would see on them. It looked almost like claws had been dug through the bark, marking a territory or sending a warning. She wasn't too sure, but she had a feeling that they were for the wolves of the forest. She wondered if they were close.

It felt strange that she wasn't afraid of this forest when she had been jolting her head back and forth in the city. She just couldn't get over the feeling that there was someone watching her. It reminded her of when she was holing herself up in her house because of those witches. It could have just been some ridiculous paranoia, but she was always jumpy when she had this feeling.

And most of the time it was for a reason.

She hadn't told Jim about the feeling. He still called her quite a lot to talk while he was eating or on a break, but Indigo never wanted to bring it up. She liked how nice their conversations were to talk about something so serious when she barely could talk to him in general. She wanted to know more about him. He didn't really talk about his family all that much, and that's what worried her the most about all of this.

The sound of branches rustling in the distance made her snap out of her thoughts. She turned to see nothing but some bushes. It could have been the wind, but she didn't like to take her chances. Indigo pulled out her camera and got it ready. The least she could do was get a picture if it was an animal.

More rustling had her turning yet another direction. This time, she caught a faint hint of an animal. She wasn't sure how big it was, but she knew that it was fast.

That wolf that she had seen that night had been pretty fast. She wondered if she was going to see it again. With the dreams that she continued to have about it, she wondered when the next time she would finally be able to see it again. She wondered just whether it was good or not, and how big it was.

She wondered just what it would do if she saw it again.

"Nice camera."

She gasped out of shock, turning again to see a slightly familiar face. He was one of the men that she had seen with Jim at the diner. The one that had flirted with her, if she remembered correctly. He wasn't bad looking, with short brown hair and striking hazel eyes, but he wasn't really her type at all.

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