Room Change

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Never in his life did he ever rest for this long. Jim was too used to calling off for a night, maybe even a day. But never this long. He had gotten beaten badly in his life, but he always walked it off, even if it was against the doctor's orders. It wasn't in him to stay put and rest. His entire being had been restless ever since he could remember.

"I feel old," he complained, trying to roll his sore muscles. His body still ached from the wolfsbane, even after it was fully out of his system. Now his muscles were trying to recover from the damage of it, and it wasn't a painless process.

"Oh stop," Prue shook her head. "You aren't old, Jim. Not by a long shot."

"He's just whining because we can actually keep him here for once," William laughed, picking up some of his things. He was finally not contagious anymore according to the doctor. And the first thing that Will wanted to do to celebrate was move him rooms. One with an actual bed and more space.

"I'm not whining," Jim sighed. The only thing he enjoyed about being in that pack house was Will and Prue, and he had barely been able to visit them. Instead, he had been stuck in a cramped room while everyone except for Indigo had to come in wearing a full-bodied plastic suit. He hated it. All it made him wish was that he was at his own home recovering.

"If you're old, then I'm old," Will told him. "And I refuse to think that."

"You might if you had all these aches," he rolled his shoulders again. "I need to figure out what kind of strain that wolfsbane was."

"You are not doing anything until I say you can go back to work," Will said. His voice was like a parent nagging at their child. "I'm not letting you out in the city when there's someone trying to kill you."

"Don't I get the right to leave as soon as the doctor states that I can?"

"Do you always have to be so stubborn?" His brother frowned. "I'm not having you get hurt again, Jim."

"He's going to treat you like he treats me," Prue giggled, obviously enjoying the scene.

"Then you should tell him that I'm not pregnant," Jim told her. "Or his wife."

"And you should tell him," Will narrowed his eyes. "That if he doesn't actually listen and stay put for once, I'm going to have to call the Sheriff and make him force you to actually rest."

"He's just my boss, Will," he told him. "Nothing else."

"He's the only one who you ever listened to since you became Alpha," Will said. "If I remember well enough, he was the one to convince you to be a cop."

"I feel like I missed something," Indigo walked in the room, her face a mix of amused curiosity. Just her scent was enough to numb all the pain he had. It didn't help that she had just come out of the shower. Her hair was still wet, the curls leaving spots on her dress that she wore. Jim had asked Will if he could get someone to pick up some of her things. She left extra shampoo and conditioner at his house, along with a few other things that they were able to grab for him, like some clothes that he knew she desperately needed.

He really hoped that his house wasn't a complete wreck right then. Jim couldn't remember much of that last night he was there, but he remembered the sound of something clashing.

"Just the boys being boys," Prue answered for all of them. "We woke Jim up because we were finally going to bring you both to a better room. Now that Jim's not contagious anymore, we get to spoil him."

"I thought that was my job," Indigo smirked. She walked over to him and pecked him on the lips before helping them with some of his things. "Having a better bed would be nice though."

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