Personal Predicament

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"There's still plenty of them that got away," Jim told him. They were giving each other the final reports of the night. While there were still some warriors searching the forest, William had called most of the original hunting parties in to rest after the crazy battle that ensued.

"We'll find them soon enough," William told him. "Right now, I'm more worried about you."

They were in the pack house at the moment, the medical wing, specifically. The first thing that William had ordered of him was to get checked up on. It seemed as if he had scared a few of the warriors by taking a bullet straight in the arm.

"I'll be fine," Jim reassured his brother. "The wound is already almost healed. If anything, those powders had done the worst damage." He knew that these witches were strong based off from their attacks alone. The powder that Jim had protected Indigo from were paralyzing ones. While Jim was strong enough not to have it overcome him in battle, the doctor had still ordered him to take a shower to disinfect himself with it. He could still feel the tingly effects from the contact on his skin.

But that was a mild side effect. He would heal from that after a few hours' sleep. What was more important to him right then was going to see Indigo. He had to make sure that she was alright. Just the thought of her had his heart racing, his legs itching to go back into those woods just so he could get to the city faster.

"I'm not worried about that," his brother said, crossing his arms. "What I'm worried about is you and this girl of yours."

As soon as he mentioned her, those thoughts surfaced more. The need to see her was strong, along with the insane desire to have her in his arms right then. Jim tried to hide it, his face becoming a blank slate. There were still some things he didn't want his brother knowing. At least, not yet.

"She's their target," Jim said. "That's all I'm focused on. I'm sure I can dig up some more information on their rituals when I get back into the office."

"Jim," he stopped him. "It's more than that, and you know it."

He stayed silent for a moment, looking into his brother's eyes. All it took was one night, and all those suspicions came to fruition all in the dark eyes of his only family. There was an understanding in them, as if he knew exactly what Jim was going through.

He really didn't.

"I should go," he stood up from the bed he was on. The doctor had done his best to convince him to stay the night, but he had other things in mind. Other responsibilities that he had to adhere to.

"You shouldn't take your time," William said, stopping him in his tracks with words alone. "If this is what I think it is, then you're in a lot more danger than you think."

"What do you mean?"

"Mates aren't just to help us grow families and strengthen our pack," he told him. "They're to strengthen yourself as well. Trust me, Jim, once you find them, the urge to have them immediately is overwhelming. I can only imagine what could happen if you gave it too much time trying to be cautious about it."

He frowned as he took in what his brother had said. Of course, he knew all of this. He had been the one to teach William most of the things he knew as a leader. But telling it to someone as a leader and hearing it years later were two different things. Remembering this didn't help his worry about the whole ordeal, though.

"Go to her," William broke through the silence, throwing his jacket to him. "Explain some things. Bring her here, when the time comes. Just don't be too slow about it. Right now, you're at your most vulnerable."

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