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"So, let me get this straight," Alfonso looked at them. "There's really a group of witches out there, killing people for 'sacrifices'. And they're trying to go for gypsies right now?"

"Whether or not you believe in witchcraft," Jim told him. "These are very dangerous people, Mr. Shephard. And they shouldn't be taken lightly."

"What have they done?" Florence asked. She had been skeptical of Jim since the moment she looked into Blacktooth. Indigo didn't know if she was going to listen to him, but she hoped that she would at least get the message to be more cautious.

"They've killed hundreds of people, women in particular, for sacrifices that they believe will help them keep their youth," he answered. "We've captured more of them and found that their newest targets are gypsies."

"Why would they want us?" Bartley asked. "We don't exactly look like a model for men, you know."

"This time it isn't about that," Jim told him. "They believe that sacrificing a gypsy will aid in the summoning of a demon. That's why you're all targets."

"That sounds like the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard," Alfonso shook his head. "And this is coming from someone who's played with a Ouija board when he was a kid."

"I'm not claiming any of this is true," Jim said. "I'm just stating why you're all targets from them. Whether or not this summoning works doesn't worry me. The fact that it risks all of your lives does."

She liked just how easy it was for him to convince people. He seemed more like a sheriff than a detective. No matter what they said, he always managed to get them to look through a different perspective. And that was just what she needed right then. Because if she told any of her cousins what had just happened, they would call her insane and paranoid and dismiss it.

"What about your group, then?" Florence folded her arms. "That Blacktooth group that you were running around with? Aren't they questionable? I mean, they live in the forest after all. And that's where these strange things are taking place."

"They're the group that helped us find as many as we did," Jim told her. "I understand your concern about them, though. The forest is full of many mysteries in it. I'm just trying to prevent any harm to you and your family."

"Are you saying that they're the cause then?"

"No," how his face stayed void of any bad emotion baffled her. "But I want you to know that all possibilities are being looked into, without any discrimination."

"You really think they're going to try and kill us?" Daisy finally spoke up, looking terrified. "Just because we're gypsies?"

"We barely even follow their ways anymore," Bartley argued. "Why would they want us?"

"They specifically stated that they need the blood of a gypsy," Jim answered. "And, since you are all of that heritage, it's safe to say that you all should be cautious."

"Is that where you had gone last night, Indie?" Daisy asked, going away from the rest to sit next to her. "Did they try to get you again?"

"Yeah," she nodded, resting her chin on her hands. "If it weren't for him, I would have been a goner."

"Well, if magic is real," Bartley said. "Then our protection charms should work."

"Bartley, now you're losing it," Alfonso put a hand on his forehead.

"What?" his brother threw his hands in the air. "If Indie could predict that Daisy was going to get kidnapped, and all of a sudden these witches are around trying to kill people, why can't we just try to protect with what we learned when we were all kids? It couldn't hurt."

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