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He could feel fear. The kind that left you antsy and pacing around. It left him restless as his soul threatened to leave just to give comfort. It wasn't for comfort of himself either. The pain he felt was nothing. The cuts and burns of silver would have been in the forefront of his mind had this played out differently. Instead it was pushed to the back as he worried for the future. There were many miniscule things that his thoughts went through, processing the memories as slow as molasses. Some of them were things that he would miss, like his office. Others were the people that he would miss.

Like his brother.

William kept quiet while they pulsed electricity through them. The silver around their necks, wrists, and ankles burnt worse as their nerves jerked their bodies in them. The room smelt like wolfsbane, sweat, and blood. He hadn't gotten touched with the wolfsbane yet, but he knew that would eventually be coming. Once your enemies knew your weakness, they loved using it against you.

He shouldn't have come there. Not right away, at least. Jim should have smelt a trap from the moment he heard this monster's name. Some part of him did. It was the same part that didn't care and wanted to go anyways. Either pride or a thirst for the blood of the man who truly caused this all to happen. He still thirsted for it.

But that wasn't what he was focused on right then. The feeling of anxiety was getting more intense. He wished he could be there to comfort her. Most of the time he didn't much care for himself, other than his own instinct that willed him to live. The most important thing in his life wasn't himself. One of them were right next to him, actually. And it killed him that he had dragged him into it.

The other one was where he was getting the anxiety from. She must be so worried, but he hoped and prayed to whatever would listen to him that she wouldn't try to chase after him. He would make it out of here himself. He knew he could. Jim just had to figure out the weakness of the building. He had been fooled into thinking that it, too, was nothing but rubbish. He felt like a rat in a cage when Leon had first captured them. Now, though, he was just a torture victim, and it wasn't going to get these hunters anywhere but an early death.

Leon was a criminal that changed up his style of killing and torturing depending on the specific being he was hunting. He was seen as a renaissance man for hunting, and had been known for many things. When Jim was looking into him many years ago, he found that he had been so obsessed with his kill one time that he hadn't cared when his own daughter died due to his attempt to murder her husband, who was part werewolf.

Not the kind that could even turn. He just had a little bit of DNA for it in him. His dedication towards his craft, and hatred towards everything that wasn't human, clouded his mind. That's what Jim had seen through the many reports. After a while, it didn't matter if he was paid to do it or not, he would go and kill anything he could. Leon was wanted in three states for murder. The officers just don't know that the victims weren't human. That was how the man justified his actions each and every time. Jim had even read an insert from a speech that he had made when he was younger. In it, he showed no empathy or compassion to anyone. He had gone mad, whether it be through the power of being able to kill, or because of the many followers that he had built up, it didn't matter. All that mattered to him was that he was able to meet his mark, and find his own justice.

Jim pulled up all the knowledge he could on the man from his memory. The electricity wasn't enough to weaken him, and the silver was only making him angrier. As soon as he found a way out of the building, he was going to try and break free from them. Then he would go for Leon's throat. He knew that he needed to get out of there, but if he left this man alive, he would only cause more danger and destruction.

"You both are so predictable," Leon's voice came from the corner of the room. "Just as easily manipulated as all other animals. Whether it be food, or love, it's easy to blind you into doing just what I want."

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