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Feels by Calvin Harris


"Yo , we are going to a party for business so get yo shit together." Fez came to the back of store , and looked at me and ash.

"alright" ash spoke up.


Anna ~
After the encounter I had with ash we sat in silence for a while. I was still sat at the table watching him before going back into the store and getting a drink and paying fez.

I walked in to see ash STILL counting money and sorting drugs and severing people who came in.

"yo ma , come here." He patted his lap.

I headed over to sit on his lap as rue came in the store.

"hey rue." I spoke as I sat comfortable on ash's lap.

"yo , you two a thing?" rue asked suggesting to me sitting on ash's lap

I shook my head and she nodded slightly.

"What the fuck you want?" ash spoke up from behind me.



Ash , Anna and fez had arrived at the party for 'business' but that doesn't stop Anna from enjoying at party.

The sat on a couch at the back of the house and decided this is where they will sell drugs.

Anna tried to make an escape for it and find friends and have a drink.

"Ma where do you think your going?" He questioned getting comfortable of the couch.

"Well it's a party isn't it?" Anna replied and pulling a face at ashtray who look up at her figure.

"No. Sit. I need you to stay with me so all this other assholes doesn't try anything." He command.

Anna huffed and sat next to ash my not too close and he annoyed her. All bloody night she had to sit here doing nothing while everyone has fun and gets waisted.

It ad been two hours in and Anna was bored out her mind.

"$120 man" ash spoke to the boy while sat on the arm chair next to Anna , ash and fez.

The tall brown haired boy looked Anna up and down as she sat uncomfortably as he watched every move.

Ashtray had noticed what the older boy had been doing.

"I believe your staring at what's mine." Ashtray spoke up glaring at the boy.

His??? Anna was certainly not his but there was  part of her that didn't mind him saying this.

"that yo girl??" The boys asked pointing at Anna.

"yeah so fuck off." Ash frowned his eyes brows before placing his hand on Anna's thigh.

The boy took of right away. Ash smirked and look to Anna.

"Yours huh?" Ash smirked back.

"You know you what to be." He got right back at her.

"whatever man."

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