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Lover by Taylor swift


I looked out the window making out a figure standing against a car , looking straight at me. I squint my eyes to make out who it is but I rethink things and I shrug it of and assume I'm just seeing things. Plus who the hell would be at Anna's house in the dark at this time in the morning?

She huffed before throwing herself of the bed and hearing her phone ding.

I squint due to the brightness at me phone being so bright before clicking in the message.

Ash :)

come outside.

Oh so I wasn't seeing things? I was utterly confused why ashtray was outside my house? we barley friends at this point and I still haven't forgiven his rudeness.

I grabbed my shoes and a cardigan that was a bit to big for me and I walked down stairs.

I prayed my mum wouldn't wake up.

I closed the door behind me as I felt the cold fresh air hit my face. I stood on my porch looking at the figure who is supposedly ash. I walk so I was stood close to him. I could make out his face now that we was so close. I felt his breathe on on my nose (as he was juts a little taller than me) , he's breathe was quickening, why was he so nervous??

His facial expressions where making me nervous as to why he was here? what was he planning? What was he going to say?

He sucked in air and breathe out. I crossed my arms over my chest and wrapped my self my the cardigan trapping the cold out.

Ashtray gently placed his hand on the back on my neck bringing our faces together.

"Anna.." he breathed.

I searched his eyes looking for an answer, an explanation for his behaviour the other day , I was looking for anything that would claim my nerves down.

Before I could speak up ash pushed his lips roughly Against mine , I was a bit stiff at first but quickly gave in , craving him.

His lips where soft and plump and had a very nice shade on pink.

The kids lasted for 10 seconds before he slowly pulled away he's hand still on my neck.

My heart was about to explode. I had so many emotions for ashtray , I hate somethings he did but I soon realised I was so inlove with him. He makes me feel crazy , all I want is him , all I have ever wanted was him.

I smiled and ash does the same still catching his breath.

"Anna , I'm so in love with you." His words whispers to my lips.

"I'm in love with you to , ash." I breathed.

We both smiled , my eyes became glossy. All I have ever wanted was someone to love me the way ash does.

Ash only wanted Anna. He needed her.
Anna only wanted ash. She needed him.


Gosh. Finally. 🥰 hope you guys liked this chapter!!

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