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Moral of this story - ashe

A few weeks had past , anna had fallen into a depression pit. She hid from the world , breathe the dirty air her room had due to not cleaning and mess everywhere. It was stuffy and smelt bad , as much as she did.

She didn't attend school.
Ash didn't attend work as often.
She was so sad.
He was so sad.

Ashtray knew nothing could possibly change the fact he hit a girl. He hit the girl he loved so much. His heart sank to his stomach , due to the thought of anna.

Ash knew the best thing was to move on. Forget about her and in all hopes that she would forget about him and move on happily with another boy.

Anna couldn't forget about him , she still loved him and was in need for him to fill in the hole in her heart , he had once filled.

She placed her feet on the cold floor waking over to her mirror looking at her eyes , her legs , her arms , her thighs , her nose , her hair. She looked disgusting. She looked terrible. She felt so ugly within herself.

Anna knew a change would help with the memorises.

Anna ~

4 MONTHS LATER , I was finally happy, moved on from ash. I never really went near other boys and talked with them , after everything with ash I don't think I could trust another boy. I was happy in the end , looking after myself , I had changed a lot I might say. New hair , new style , slimmer but comfortable with how I look.


I moved on. Left all our good memories behind. God , I had to admit I miss her so much. She was my everything , she will always be my everything. If I where honest if she had asked me to be with her again , I'll do it in a heartbeat.
"I still love you an."

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