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Michael's POV

I head downstairs to leave the pack house while thinking about the conversation I had with my mate. Does she want to be with me? She kept on talking about what other people might think of her but who cares? I am her mate and she can't reject me. One cannot reject their mate, there are a gift from the goddess and rejection will result in death for both of them. On my way out, I pay no attention to the people around, I continue on my way when my Beta steps in front of me making me walk right into him making him stumble.
"What the hell man. Why are you standing in my way"?

"if you had answered when your pack members were calling you instead of ignoring us I wouldn't be standing in front of you" Chris replies. It's only now that I realize that there are other people in the room. Wait...were they all here before? I am really zoning out today and my Wolf is not helping because he feels the same way I do.

"My apologies, it seems I am not feeling well today" I lie and my pack members know that am lying because we rarely get sick. We usually die of old age. Yet I am not really in the mood to explain myself so I turn to walk away and don't look back.
As I walk along a dirt path heading to my house which is located a few meters away from the pack house , I know I am being followed.
"What do you want Chris?
"Wow your senses are back. You had me worried there you know with you walking around the pack house like a zombie when your pack members were practically yelling I thought you were losing your wolf."
"I am not in the mood for your sarcasm Beta " I growl my Wolf not liking his tone as I turn around to face him.

"I am sorry Alpha it's just that I am worried that is all, I did not mean to disrespect you in any way" he says bowing his head in submission.
" I know, it's just I have a lot of things on my mind" I take a deep breathe
"Okay, you know you can tell me what's going on, maybe I can help" he turns and leaves while I enter my house heading straight for the shower. After I take my shower and start getting dressed, I contemplate on whether I should have told Chris or not, I mean my best friend and beta, he should have been the first to know but my mate does not want people to know tonight meaning I can tell him tomorrow, my mate said I shouldn't tell anyone tonight meaning the agreement is valid until midnight. I think. I hope.

After I dress up in a simple white shirt and jeans, I head to the pack house to have dinner, am not a good cook so rather than burn my house down, it is better to eat at the pack house.
When I enter the pack house, I see teenagers sitting in the living room playing games, others are just busy on their phones, the mated couples and some older folks are in and around the pack house helping where they can as the food is being prepared. I greet all of them and walk in, I see Chris arguing with Mellissa. Deciding I am not going to be stuck in the middle of their argument this time, I head to the couch to wait for the food. I smell her before I see her, as I turn my head I see her coming down the stairs with her son wearing a simple floral dress that hugs her curves in all the right places. I want to go to her, show the world that she is mine but I can't. I respect her decision if she does not want people to know now, I will wait. I look towards the kitchen and I notice that dinner is not yet ready so while we are waiting I will organize a quick ceremony to introduce her to the pack. Just an introduction, nothing about us being mates.
"Chris, please inform the pack that we are having a quick meeting to introduce our new pack members " I tell him through mind link.
"Now" he asks
"No. tomorrow. Of course now!"
Chris makes the quick announcement, we head outside where there is a small stage where I stand surrounded by pack members. "Thank you all for coming on short notice, I am here to announce that we have received new members today from the Moonshine pack whom I would like to introduce to you, treat them well because they are now part of our family". My Beta guides my mate and her family onto the stage, when she steps on stage, I realize that I need her to be by my side, she is not a stranger to me, why are we hiding? I have made my decision.

"I would like to introduce you to my mate and your Luna Kathy, her son Vincent and her mother Doris ". Gasps are heard all around and my mate looks annoyed but I am not dragging this out, people were going to find out eventually. She is mine and I am not ashamed.

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