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Michael's POV

I feel ashamed to have acted the way I did towards my mate, Kathy was right, Dad was right, I do act immature sometimes. I remember when I was young, I hated being told what to do, even if I bled, I would never admit that they were right and I was wrong. I guess I have not phased out that bad habit completely. Seeing my mate in tears made me change my perspective on things, I will need to be more transparent and tell my mate everything especially on things that concern her happiness. In trying to protect her, I ended up hurting her. I need to find a way to make it up to her.

I have been going through reports all morning, I need a break. Standing, I stretch my arms and walk around the table to stand over my son who seems to be too busy drawing to notice my presence.
"Hey there son, what you drawing?" I ask as I hunch over to take a look, he bites his lower lip in concentration as he creates his master piece, getting a closer look, I notice it's a picture of a ...
"Wolves" he says as he moves his right hand so I can get a closer look.
"Wow this is really good" I say looking at the drawing of three wolves. It's not bad for a 10 year old, they look more like dogs than wolves but hey my son drew them so I love them. "why three wolves?" I ask curiously
"Well, this is you daddy" pointing to the biggest wolf " this is mummy" pointing to the medium sized wolf next to the big wolf "and this is me, when I am older and have my Wolf" pointing to the smallest one at the centre.
"It's beautiful son" I say pressing a kiss to his temple with a smile on my face.
"Daddy, do you and mummy not love each other anymore?" my smile is wiped off my face.
"Why do you say that son?" I ask in bewilderment  turning his chair to kneel in front of him
"Last night I heard you guys shouting and Mummy was crying" he says, nervously plays with his pencil. Oh my goddess, he heard us. I feel even more ashamed.
"Listen son, I was mad last night and I  said some-things that am not proud of which made mummy cry, I was wrong to do that because we always need to make sure that the people we love are happy and not sad, okay?" he nods his head "I love your mother very much and she loves me too"
"Because you are mates?" he asks. My little one is inquisitive
"Yes, You know about mates?"
"Yes, Grandma says that mates are the destined soulmates chosen by the goddess, each wolf has its own mate made just for them that they will love forever." At least that talk is out of the way. 

We are interrupted by a knock on the door and Chris walks in.
"Uncle Chris" Vincent says with a beaming smile on his face.
"Hi buddy, how are you doing?
"Am fine" he answers
"Son, why don't you go play with your friends outside" he jumps out of his sit and runs out the door.
"What are you doing in the office on a Sunday morning? Chris asks as he takes a sit
"What are you doing in my office on a Sunday morning?
"Touch'e' Chris says, eyes wondering around the office, he notices the drawing my son did and picks it up "Are these dogs?" I growl
"They are Wolves, now go home" I say glaring at him. He leans back into the chair with his hands in the air "come down Alpha it was just a question, it's a beautiful drawing"
"Yes it is because my son drew it" I say proudly.
"Isn't there something you need help with, advice maybe..." he looks at me pleadingly.
"Stop running away from your family, go, spend time with them" I don't understand him, he should treasure his time with his family.
"I did spend time with them, it was fun and now am taking a breather" I give him an are you kidding me look.
"Chris, go away" he lifts up his hands in surrender 

"Okay, okay am leaving, enjoy..."
"Alpha, rogues on the western border" Lydia says through mindlink
" we are on our way."
"Rogues on the western border" I say to Chris as he stands up straight his mood flips from jovial to serious in a second "let's go"

"All pack members must come to the pack house immediately, we are under attack" I announce through mindlink  
"30 warriors including my head warrior are to surround the pack house" I bark more orders to Chris as we hurriedly walk downstairs, I find Kathy and her mother already in the kitchen.
"Where is Vince?" Kathy asks as she looks behind me.
"He went to play with friends out...side"  Kathy eyes widen as I almost make a rush for the door when it swings open and four boys including my son are guided in by Mellisa. Kathy runs to him and scoops him in her arms. I breathe a sigh of relief.
"Kathy, ensure that all the women and children are accounted for and kept safe in the pack house "
" I will, please be careful, I love you" Kathy says filling my heart with contentment
"Promise me that you will not leave the pack house"
"I promise"
"Thank you and I love you too". I peck her on the lips and place a kiss on my sons forehead then head out of the door. I really don't want what happened last time to repeat itself. I pray to the goddess that she listens this time.
Once we are outside, Chris and I are joined by other warriors, Mellisa and the 29 warriors surround the pack house while  we transform into our wolves and run to the woods. The ground quakes as we run to the all too familiar place, it seems like the rogues didn't learn their lesson the last time, non will be left alive this time.

When we arrive at the scene, wolves claw at each other, blood splatters on the ground, I pounce on the first wolf I encounter,  sinking my teeth deep into its fur as I remove a large chuck of skin, it's been while since I was in a fight, my Wolf thirsts for the blood of the enemy. I move on to the next wolf who snaps at my front legs exposing it's neck. Stupid wolf. I widen my mouth as I prepare to sink my large canines into its neck when I feel a sharp pain like a bolt of electricity through my heart, it's starts with one, then two, three, five, eight. I shake my head as I begin to panic, I look at the wolves around me, my pack wolves look to be scratched up but alive. Most of the rogues lay dead on the ground while the rest look closer to deaths door. What is happening?
I howl as I dart into the woods, my Beta and warriors follow closely behind, while a few remain to slaughter the last of them. It dawns on me, The pack only has two borders that need protection, the Western and Northern borders, the Eastern and southern borders are surrounded by dangerous terrain that it is physically impossible to enter the pack through them. Which only leaves the Northern border, which is being protected by a lesser number of my warriors as most came to the western border. I can feel more of my warriors losing their lives, my blood boils, muscles stretch to the brink as I run through the forest. I growl loudly as we approach  the northern border, I can see the last of my warriors fighting a losing battle as dozens of rogues slip through running towards the path leading to the pack house. We rush forward as we surround our enemies, flanking them on all sides, blocking them off. I lunge at the nearest rogue wolf and snap it's neck, my Beta and warriors collide with enemy wolves with vicious precision, turning it into a blood bath. I sprint towards the pack house in a frenzy hoping that the warriors put in charge of protecting the pack house are able to fight off the rogues that slipped through or at least keep them at bay till I arrive. I will not lose anymore of my people.

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