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Michael's POV

The last few weeks have been wonderful, Kathy is a great Luna, supportive and understanding, the pack is slowly accepting her despite all the awkwardness in the beginning, we also had the blood ceremony officially welcoming her mother and son to the pack.
"Alpha, the rogues have been persistent in their attacks on the western side of the border" Mellisa says sitting on a chair across from me in my office.
"I need you to double the number of warriors on patrols, we must ensure that our borders are not breached" I say in an authoritative voice sitting on my chair, my elbows on my desk, hands joined together .  

"it seems like it's the same rogues who keep on attacking, when we push back, they regroup and attack again and again, I don't know why they can't leave us in peace" Chris adds

"They want to cause chaos, attacking one of the strongest packs in the world and succeeding is no small feat, if they succeed, they will prove to all wolves that we are not as strong as we claim to be"
"So they are doing all this for pride, to prove a point?, even if it means innocent wolves die?" Chris says in disbelief.
"Yes, that is why we must not relent, I think it's best I stay here" I lean back in my chair, "it is not safe". Kathy and I will be leaving for Moonshine pack today, Alpha Grayson will be stepping down as Alpha and his son Ian will be taking over, I have met Ian a few times and he seems to be a good man.
"No Alpha, you must go, our alliance with the Moonshine pack is just as important" Mellisa argues
"I agree with Mel, we will be able to handle the rogues while you are gone."

"Okay, I will go but I need you to make sure to double..."
"Patrols, yes, we know Alpha, you need to go and get ready" Mellisa interrupts. I stand to head out of the office, "and make sure that warriors are both in human and wolf form"
"Yes, Yes, you know this is not the first time you are leaving us in charge, have a little faith in us" my Beta says
"I do have faith Mellisa"
"Really, you do not trust in your Beta to take care of the pack" with a gasp he places his hand on his chest. "You know with you gone, I will be the one running this pack, which makes me acting Alpha, so the fact that you don't believe that I am capable of doing that hurts, I wonder why you chose me as Beta if you didn't think I was capable"
"Stop being melodramatic" Mellisa says with an eye roll
"I am not being melodramatic " Chris says. Yes he is, I was just pulling his leg. "Calm down man, I was just teasing you, I do have faith you, if I didn't, I would not have chosen you as my Beta" I say with an amused expression.
"You see, why so serious?" Mellisa runs her hand through his wavy black hair in a bid to calm him down,  he simply crosses his arms over his chest, humphs with a sulky pout like a child, a 6 foot 4 child. Mellisa takes several breathes trying to hold in her laugh which she fails and bursts out laughing. Sandra definitely has her hands full.

Well, despite his childlike behaviour, I know that he is more than capable of running the pack while am gone...with Mellisa's help of course but he doesn't need to know that.
When I arrive at my house, I follow my mates scent to the bedroom. "Hi beautiful " I say placing my lips on hers. "How was the meeting? " she asks as she leans back from the kiss.
"It was fine though exhausting, are you done packing?" I ask
"Almost " Kathy says
"Babe, you know that we are going to be gone for like two days at most. There is no need for a whole lot of bags"
"I know, just making sure we pack the essentials". She says
After the packing is done, we take a long shower, get dressed and head to the pack house to say our goodbyes. Vincent will remain with Doris as Kathy insists that he remains behind due to the recent attacks, as for my relationship with Vincent, there is progress though little but still progress , I didn't expect him to start calling me dad right away, he wanted to call me Alpha Michael but I refused and insisted that he at least call me Michael, which is not bad I guess.
"Is our path secure?" I ask David as we walk towards the black SUV. "Yes Alpha, I don't think the rogues would be crazy enough to attack us on the main road". We will be accompanied by David and three other warriors to Moonshine pack. "Don't underestimate them".

The drive to Moonshine is peaceful, David is in the drivers seat while Jude sits in the passenger sit, Kathy and I are in the back with Marco and Lydia in the next sits. Upon arrival at the Moonshine pack, we are welcomed by Alpha Grayson and his mate Luna Grace, we are escorted to our rooms where we are settled in for the night. The following day is spent in meetings with Alpha Grayson as we renegotiate our treaty and discuss strategies we can use to deal with rogues. Kathy is spending time with the Luna, I am sure they have much to catch up on.
"How is Luna Kathy adjusting to her role?" Alpha Grayson asks as we walk out of the meeting.
"She is perfect for it' I answer
"Who would have thought that she would have a second chance mate and let alone become Luna when she left to join your pack" he says
"It is unexpected but I am grateful that she decided to move packs ".
"The age difference doesn't bother you?" Alpha Grayson asks with a sceptic look on his face.
"No, should it?"
"No, no no, as long you too are happy that is what matters most." he says.
"In all honesty, the first time I met her she was not what I expected my mate to be but I wouldn't change a thing, she is the best thing that has ever happened to me."

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