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Kathy's POV

A pack gathering was held where my son was announced as the future Alpha of Bloodhowlers pack, the announcement was followed by a few murmurs and scoffs which angered my mate.
"Silence!" he bellowed. Pack members tilted their heads in submission. "Vincent will be the future Alpha of the Bloodhowlers pack, all those who do not agree with my decision may leave" silence followed soon after and the rest of the announcements continued.
"you shouldn't have been too harsh on them" I said to my mate after the meeting
"I will treat them the way they deserved to be treated" he replied
"Do you think they will ever accept our son as Alpha?"
"it doesn't matter whether the pack accepts him or not when the goddess herself chose him to be the next Alpha, all the time we spent worrying about the future of the pack, she knew all along. Besides I don't think our son will ever want to be anything less" Which worries me. Since transforming into his wolf, my son is angry most of the time and lets his wolf take over whenever he wants things to go his way. Just yesterday, he chased his grandmother around the house in wolf form because he didn't want to eat vegetables. I heard my mother's screams as I approached the house, rushing in only to find her standing on top of the counter, the little Alpha wolf turned his head to look at me once I slammed the living room door shut. The look in his eyes I did not recognize. He slowly approached, growling barring his teeth. I stood still, deep down I knew he could never hurt me. "Vincent! Stop it!" my mother yelled. He suddenly turned and dashed to kitchen door, running to the outside. His father found him three hours later crying near the lake in human form. He clearly has no control over his wolf. He is too strong for his age. I fear for my son. And the pack.
"what are you thinking about?" Michael asks interrupting my thoughts
"oh just thinking about everything that has happened in the last two months" I say
"I worry"
"there is nothing to worry about beautiful, everything will work out" My mate says. I wish I could be more optimistic.
"there are things to worry about Michael. Our son. The dark moon pack"
"Vincent will be fine, as the years go by, he will learn to control his wolf. As for Dark moon, the pack has no Alpha. They are no threat to us". He assures. Yet, I can't shake the feeling that one day, they will attack our pack and also based on the creepy letter sent by Aria, Alpha Deans mate.

The tears I have cried are tears of blood, I am left hollow.
A little pup will grow never knowing his father yet he will rise and be your curse
A pack weakened is not a pack destroyed. The strike will come when you least expect 
The grass will not always be green; a scorching heat can turn even the most beautiful flowers into dust
In the silence, you will think you are alone.
In the sunlight, they hide from you.  In the dark you cannot see that you are surrounded by vipers
A Recompense will be paid, the fields will be covered in your loved ones' blood.
Michael chucked the letter aside saying they were the ramblings of a distraught woman. I pray to the goddess he is right.
"how is your father? Has he found her?" Michael shakes his head. Alpha Derrick left the pack in search of his mate "I can't live without her" he said solemnly. Separation from your mate is never easy especially knowing that they are out there can give one sleepless nights.
Michael eventually decided to forgive Dante and now he is reunited with his mate though he has been stripped of his warrior position.
"You need to get ready" Michael says standing up from the couch.
"we are going out".
"at this time of the night"
"YES now get ready" he says. I take a shower, dress up while my mate disappears for a while, he later comes back after an hour heading straight for the shower. I sit in the living room waiting for him.
"You ready?" he asks wearing a white shirt and Jeans. I feel overdressed.
"Yes" we walk outside and begin to move further into the forest "you know if you told me that 'going out' meant walking through the forest late at night to goddess knows where I wouldn't have worn high heels and a body hugging dress!" I hear the sound of his laugh as he walks in front of me. "patience my love"
"its never been a virtue of mine" he belly laughs "no it's never been."
"From here on out you are going to have to wear a blind fold" he says turning to look at me
"Why?" I whine
"it's a surprise" he says.
I relent. After walking for a few minutes more, he takes my blindfold off and I am left amazed at the sight before me, beautiful fairy lights strung on trees around the lake. A blanket covered with flowers laid on the beach illuminated by beautiful colored candles with a bottle of wine in an ice bucket with chocolate and strawberries on top.
"This is beautiful Michael"
"only for you" he smiles leading me to the blanket. We lay down, half of my body on top of his staring at the beautiful night sky covered in mesmerizing luminous stars.
"I love you Michael"
"I love you too beautiful, now and forever".
"Oh really. am getting old and wrinkly soon"
"Yet you will still be the most beautiful woman I have ever met"
"You don't mean that"
"every word I say is true. I love all of you".
I believe what he says yet a little voice inside my head whispers 'it's only a matter of time, one day he will want someone as young as he is to be by his side' try as I might to banish the negative self-talk by focusing on his love for me. Still the little voice remains like a soft little hum in my head, it is a battle I must fight within.
Our bond. our love. Right now is what matters most. As for the future. No one knows.


Thank you to all those who took time to read my book. Love you lots.
Book 2 focusing on Vincent's Journey will be out soon. Follow for more updates

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