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Kathy's POV

Michael is so stubborn but I can easily match his stubbornness. I know that he is afraid of hurting me that is why he does not want to consider surrogacy. But I have decided to make it my mission to change his mind.

"Luna, where do I place these?" Marco asks carrying wood on his shoulder. 

"Just place them near the pit, it's almost time". Today we are celebrating the harvest moon festival thanking the goddess for her continued blessings. We spent the entire morning preparing for the festival, I have hardly seen my mate, he decided to join the warriors protecting the boarders on the North.

"Should you not check on your mate and children?"
Sandra waves her hand in dismissal "They are fine, if there was an emergency, Chris would have told me". Chris volunteered to babysit his children, Sandra thinks it is just an excuse to get out of doing his duties as Beta.
Mellisa and Lea walk towards us as we place the plates and cups on the wooden table."Luna" They say at the same time with a bow of the head.
"Lea, how is Bernice?"
"She's fine" Bernice officially joined her mate and is longer a part of our pack.
"The pack is too quiet nowadays, I do miss her" Sandra says
"She is Lucky to have Alex he is so quiet that he barely said more than five sentences the entire time he was here". Mellisa remarks
"Yeah, they balance each other out, while she does not know when to stop talking, he barely talks at all" I state. Sandra nods her head in agreement.
"I hope one day I will also find someone who balances me out" Lea says in a frail voice. It is sad that Lea has not yet found her mate.

Michael returns from the border and the pack gathers for the festival. I conduct a ceremony in honour of the goddess then the festival begins.
During the festival, I decide to head inside the pack house to use the bathroom in the Alpha's suite, heading upstairs, as I am about to turn a corner, I hear people talking in hushed voices but I can easily make out what they are saying due to our enhanced hearing.
"pretending everything is okay when she has doomed our pack" I hear a voice say, her voice holds a note of disdain.
"What was the goddess thinking when she paired her with him, she is old enough to be his mother and now she is barren" there are two distinct voices which I recognise to be that of Mary and Florence, elders of the pack.
"I can see it in his eyes Flo, our Alpha is miserable, he only pretends to be happy for the sake of the Luna" My heart beats frantically, is this what the pack thinks of me?.
"You are right, she has ruined his life, if only our Alpha was paired with someone more compatible" Florence acknowledges.
"It is a cruel fate that has been burdened on our Alpha. On us". Mary says. I can't listen anymore, I run downstairs out of the pack house to the forest. Sitting on a tree trunk, I breath in and out as tears roll down my cheeks. Is this what the pack thinks of me? Without a second thought, I change into my Wolf and take off further into the forest.
I run for what feels like hours, resting on the banks of a lake within our borders.

"Good evening Luna" a woman's voice says, I whip my head around, I see a cloaked figure approach.
Standing on all fours, I growl, baring my teeth as a warning for them to keep their distance.
"Come down Luna, I mean no harm" a female voice says, holding her hands in front of her. she does not have a scent. What is she?
"My name is Helen and I mean you no harm, I am here to help you" I cock my head to the side trying to make out her face, the cloak hides most of her features.
"I think it would be better if you changed back that way our conversation wouldn't be one sided."
"What are you? How did you get past the borders? what do you want?" I ask in quick succession as soon as I change back.
"I am a witch. I used a standard spell to get past the border. As to what I want, I want to help you"
"And what makes you think I need your help?"
"You called out to me through your tears". I snort. What nonsense is this?.
"And what sort of help would I need from you?" I retort, my arms folded across my naked chest.
"Help with your mate of course, I know everything Luna, I know that you can't give him a child" she says. I am dumbfounded by her bluntness.
"So what are you going to do about it? give me a portion so that I can get pregnant?"
"No Luna, I am a powerful witch but even I cannot form a new womb in you" she responds while staring at my stomach.
"Then what sort of help can you offer me?"
"I know a spell that can break the bond between you and your mate, that way he can mate with another who will give him an heir" My fists clench by my side.
"How dare you think that I would agree to such a thing?" I yell, glaring at her  "How dare you think you have a right to mess with the what the goddess has put together?" taking menacing steps towards her,  I can see her hands, she has brown skin, some of her brown hair flows out of her cloak but I still can't see her face. "How dare you think that I would let you break the bond?" I fume, My Wolf has risen to the surface. She wants to be set free to tear this little witch apart.
"Yes you would, you know that deep down its the only way" she counters
"LEAVE. Before I lose my patience and tear you apart"
"Tsk-tsk you cannot hurt me Luna. I will leave but I will be here in a fortnights time, am sure by then you will have changed your mind" she turns to leave, disappearing into the darkness.

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