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Michael's POV

I hate this. Standing in the scorching heat outside the pack house, I fidget waiting for the guests to arrive with my mate and Beta standing by my side. My father thought it would be a great idea to invite the Alphas' of the surrounding packs to our pack to 'strengthen our ties' as he put it.
Speaking of my father, he emerges from the woods with Dante, guess he has joined border patrol or something. I don't care for as long as it keeps him busy enough to not bother me.
Of the three Alpha's coming I can only tolerate one Alpha, Alpha Ian of Moonshine. The other two I cannot stand, one is a pompous schmuck Alpha from Dark moon, thinks his better than me, the other is an annoying impulsive Alpha from the Toren pack.
"Stop, you will ruin your suite" Kathy readjusts my tie then smoothes out my jacket. I feel uncomfortable "Is this necessary?". I would have worn cargo shorts and no one would bat an eyelid.
"Yes it is, this is a formal meeting, you have to look your best" she says, a satisfied look on her face. She is happier than usual these days not that it's a bad thing. It just feels...different, like am missing something. Then there is the whole disappearing act she pulled at the mall five days ago, Mellisa told me that she lied as to where she went but could not detect any foreign scent on her. Something is weird but I don't want to force Kathy into telling me. She must trust me enough to tell me on her own.
The sounds of cars approaching can be heard in the distance, two SUVs park in front of us. Alpha Ian, his mate Maya and a few warriors step out.
"Alpha Ian, welcome to Bloodhowler's pack"
"Thank you Alpha Micheal" he responds shaking my hand. My mate and I have a steady conversation with the Alpha and Luna as we await for the other two. Soon enough, four more SUVs arrive, Alpha Dean steps out of one of the SUVs with his mate Aria while Alpha Elijah exits with his mate Bela.
Alpha Dean struts hand in hand with his Luna.
"Alpha Dean, welcome to Bloodhowler's pack"
"Ah young Alpha Micheal, My pack is now almost as big as yours, soon we will be one of the strongest packs in this region" he brags, eyes wondering around my pack. His only a year older than me and his pack is no where near the size and strength of my pack  "We will be the strongest honey, it's only a matter of time" his mate says with a conceited look like we are gum beneath her shoe. Alpha Ian laughs beneath his breathe obviously finding the delusional couple entertaining.
"Alpha Elijah, welcome." I say with a strained smile.
"Oh thanks man and this must be your MILF" he quips glancing at Kathy wiping the smile off my face. The schmuck laughs, poorly concealing it in a cough "It's Luna Kathy actually, I would appreciate it if you called me that". My mate fires back while squeezing my hand trying to calm me down. If looks could kill, he would be dead right now "Of course, my apologies Luna Kathy, it was a bad joke" he says in a quavering voice. no shit, Sherlock.
We all head inside to allow our guests settle in. What follows are meetings, dinner then I invite the Alphas' for drinks at the pack bar.
"Congratulations on the birth of your daughter" I say to Alpha Ian whose daughter was born five months ago.
"Thank you. She is a hand full though, keeping me and her mother awake all night" he chuckles taking a sip from his scotch.
"And what about you Alpha Michael, when are you planning on having a child of your own?" Alpha Dean interrupts. I know what he is doing. I know he knows about Kathy's condition.
"I already have a son" the jerk smiles into his drink with a cigar in his other hand.
"Which son? Your mates son from her first mate? Is he even of Alpha blood?" of course Elijah would want to add his two cents.
"Alpha or not, what matters most is that he adopted him as his son and they are happy" Ian comments.
"Yes indeed even if his lineage ends with him which means his pack ends with him. Of course your members will be welcomed into my pack when you die" My heart rate spikes, standing, I glare at Alpha Dean, he gazes back with a sly smile puffing out a smoke. Alpha Ian places his hand on my shoulder pushing me back into my sit. I take a breathe and lean back.

"Don't let him get to you" Ian whispers though the stupid jerk can hear us, he stares at us with a mischievous grin.
"It is a pity. The goddess must hate you to have given you someone as old as your mum as a mate" Dean continues.
"Enough Dean!, do not disrespect our host in his own house" Alpha Ian reprimands.
Deep breathes. I will not give in. My Wolf is stirred up within me pushing to be brought to the surface.
"I bet if you could be rid of her, you would. I mean a young handsome man with an old relic by his side..."
I lunge for the Alpha knocking him of his chair landing a punch to his jaw, my claws come out, I begin to slash once then twice. I feel hands on my body trying to pry me off of him, I fight back, I want to rip his throat out. I hear a loud bang as warriors flood in and am finally separated from my prey. "Let me go. let go!" I growl. Kathy and the other Lunas rush in. My mate walks up to me and wraps her arms around my torso while my chest rises and falls.
"You have all seen what has happened. I have been attacked for no reason by the barbaric Alpha of this pack" Dean shouts, he is helped up by his mate and warriors.
"You brought this upon yourself by insulting his mate" Alpha Ian says.
"What! Saying that his mate is old is not an insult, look at her. she is old" he points to Kathy, his shirt is soaked with blood. Unfortunately, his wounds have already began healing.
Panting, I move forward to get to my prey.
"No! Micheal look at me" Kathy holds my head down as I stare into her beautiful brown eyes. "Stop. Please" she mouths with glassy eyes.
"I think we all should call it a night. We have had too much to drink" he says frowning. He finally says something than we can both agree on.
"Alpha Elijah is right. It's been a long day. We all need a good night's rest" Alpha Ian adds.
"I am not spending a night in this pack, they will kill us in our sleep. we are leaving" Dean yells. Good riddance. "From here on out, the peace treaty between our packs is null and void" he states, his eyes full of rage. Does he think I would want to continue to be in a pact with him?.
"Oh please you were just looking for any excuse to end our alliance" he has been envious of me and my pack for years. He leaves with his mate and warriors. I mindlink my warriors to ensure that he is out of my lands. The next time I see him, blood will be shed.

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