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Chris's POV

A chill ran down my spine seeing my Alpha in such agony. All the lies and deceit. Why?
Even as I, the former Alpha and the rest of the pack ran after our Alpha as he sprinted through the woods, I couldn't quiet comprehend what was happening. Derrick being an Alpha wolf was faster and ran ahead of us.

An ear piercing scream was heard just as I arrived at the lake, yet again I couldn't comprehend what was happening in the scene before me. The Alpha cradling his unconscious Luna, a passed out woman on the ground with her arm ripped out, the former Alpha with said arm in his mouth and the former Luna being helped up by Lea and Jude, her shoulder looked to be dislocated. Confusion and shock was written on all of our faces.

The Alpha and Luna are currently in the infirmary, the doctor says they will  make a full recovery. It is unfortunate that the woman who was apparently a witch died from blood loss. I have a lot of  questions that need to be answered and there is only one person who can answer them.
"Good evening Beta Chris" Marco says
"Good evening Marco, is he awake?"
"Yes he is" Marco replies as he unlocks the prison gate. Dante is currently in prison for endangering the Luna's life. How and why, I am yet to find out. Luna Diana remains silent as to the reason why she was at the lake. Lea and Jude are no better, they sit silently, defiant, the only words uttered by Lea were 'all we did was for the good of the pack'.
"Chris!" Dante shouts as soon as he sees me "is the Luna okay? Is she alive?"
"She is going to be fine". Dante breathes a sigh of relief.
"And the Alpha?"
"The Alpha is fine Dante, what is all this man, how did you get involved in this?"
"I thought I was doing the right thing" he says in a dejected tone
"Killing the Luna is the right thing"
"No! I didn't know she was going to die, she was not supposed to die"
"Then what was supposed to happen, tell me, help me understand all this".
The prison doors open and the Alpha walks in.
"Please do tell. What was supposed to happen?" Alpha Micheal asks in a commanding tone.
"It all started when David and I went into the human town to buy supplies. David disappeared right in the middle of the store and I couldn't track his scent. I ran outside and saw him running into the woods with Helen"
"Yes Helen, his mate"
"Wait David found his mate then disappeared, did they run away together?"
"No Chris, Helen was the witch that was killed by the former Alpha"
"Wait. What!"
"Stop interrupting him Beta, let him explain" the Alpha says with his arms crossed over his chest.
"I followed them into the woods and well, found them making out. I confronted David about it, he confessed that Helen was his mate and a witch" Dante sits on the ground as the the Alpha and I stare expectantly at him
"He begged me not to tell anyone especially you Alpha because he was afraid of what you might do to her. I convinced him to tell Luna Kathy but he told Luna Diana instead and she is the cause of all this. Once she was told, she hatched up the plan to break the bond between you and the Luna" Dante explains. Alpha Micheal clenches his hands, his face contortes with rage.
"And you are agreed to this?" the seething Alpha asks
"Yes. I did it for you and the pack, you have a mate but you are unhappy Alpha, you have no heir, Luna Diana said this was for your own good" Dante replies in a quavering voice.
"And What gives you or my mother the right to decide what makes me happy, ha!"
"Come down Alpha, Dante it still doesn't make any sense, how was the witch involved, where is David?"
"David is tied up in a cave just outside the Northern border, Lea and Jude lured him there on the former Luna's orders"
"The Fuck! You guys grew up together, he is like a brother to you" this is just all levels of messed up.
"I made sure he was fed everyday" Dante defends
"And that makes it better" I can't believe this all happened right under my nose.
"So that's how you convinced the witch to do your bidding, David's life for my mate's"
"No Alpha. I didn't know she was going to die I only found out at the party that is why they knocked me out"
"Lea and Jude"
"So the plan was to kidnap the Luna and kill her"
"No like I said, I didn't know she was going to die, Luna Diana assured me that Luna Kathy would be fine. And there was no plan to kidnap the Luna, she agreed to it. She wanted the bond to be broken but she had no idea that the plan was to kill her. I swear Alpha I didn't know that in the end she was supposed to die".
"Let him go"
"What! Alph..."
"Do not question me Beta"
"You. you will show my Beta the cave where David is hidden" the Alpha instructs.
"Yes Alpha".
The Alpha turns and leaves the prison.
"Have you seen Mellisa? Is she okay?" Dante asks as we walk out of prison.
"No I have not" since the incident, our head warrior has been locked up in her house.
I cannot imagine what is going through her mind or the Alpha's right now. But one thing I know for sure is that the storm is far from over.

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