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Michael's POV

My gaze is fixed on the open door. It's been over 30 minutes now, Kathy is still not out. How long does it take to pee?
"She's coming Alpha" Chris smirks. I might look a bit obsessed but after the crying incident and the bizarre behaviour that followed, I am really worried.
"Has anyone seen Dante?" an agitated Mellisa asks while walking towards us.
"first the Alpha now you too. Why is everyone obsessed with their mates? They do need some alone time you know" Chris says
"Shut up!" Mellisa says stomping away.
"What did I say?" Chris asks
"Learn to mind your own business".
"But she asked!" he says perplexed, shrugging, he goes back to drinking his beer.
I stand ready to go and check on my mate when her mother walks out of the pack house with Vincent by her side. She looks to be lost in thought.
My mother- in law shrieks as a startled Vincent rubs his eyes.
"Why is he up? Where are you two going?"
"I don't know...She just told me to pack bags, I don't know what's going on Alpha"
"Who? Kathy? Where is she?"
"I don't know, she came to tell me to pack our bags then she just left. I don't know where she has gone to Alpha. I don't know" Doris says . My heartbeat quickens, I knew that something was not right. It was stupid of me to leave her alone.
"Where is she Doris!?" I yell. Doris recoils as her face contorts to anguish.
"I don't know. I don't know" she cries, her hands on her cheeks "she just left".
I try to mindlink  Kathy but I can't reach her.  I am paralysed by fear, falling on my hands and knees  I take deep breathes.
"Alpha is everything okay" Chris kneels in front of me placing his hand on my shoulder. Looking up, it seems I have attracted the packs attention as they stare worryingly at me.
"Kathy..." I grown.
An excruciating pain sears through me, my body feels like it's covered in flames with a gaping wound on my heart that grows larger and larger, tears gather in my eyes as the pain increases.
"Alpha...Alpha" Dante appears in front on me with a large gush on his forehead  "Luna, sh-she is dying...I tried to stop them, I didn't know" he wheezes out.
"Where is she?" I ask enraged
" In- the woods by the lake... Alpha please forgiv..."
My clothes rip to shreds as I transform into my Wolf taking off into the woods, just as a distressed howl pierces through the air.
I run faster, the pain briefly forgotten. I can't lose her.
My connection to Kathy is like a tether that binds us together. It's weakening. I am losing strength but I will not stop.

Kathy's POV

"Stop! Please it hurts...stop" It feels like my life is being sucked out of me. "I don't want to die" I never wanted to die. Sobbing, I fall to the ground yet she pays no heed to my pleas as she continues her incantations. I see a woman dressed in white standing at a distance.
"Help. Help me please" I plead to the approaching figure. I don't know if it's due to delirium caused by pain and she is not real but I plead anyway. The woman comes closer and closer, her face becoming more visible.
She walks up to me and fists my hair, yanking my head backward "Don't worry Kathy, it will be over soon" She says with a sinister laugh.
"Luna we need to leave, the Alpha is on his way" a familiar voice says.
"No, not until it's done" Diana utters. I close my eyes awaiting the afterlife.

Michael's POV
My body feels weak by the time I reach the lake. My vision blurry.
"Michael, stay calm. You are okay. It will be over soon. Mum says holding out her hands in front of me. What is she doing here? I shake my head trying to rid myself of the disorientation. I hear chanting, looking beyond my mother. I see Kathy laying face down on the ground, a woman stands in front of her arms extended.
"Separans animam a corpore..." she chants.
Summoning my last bit of strength, I knock my mother out of the way and run towards Kathy.
My body unwillingly turns back to human just as I am about to lunge at the witch, I crawl trying to reach my mate. I can feel it, she is dying and am powerless to stop it.
A black wolf leaps over me, grabbing one of the witches arm tearing it from its socket, her ear-piercing scream rings through my ears as I reach my mate and wrap my hands around her.
"Stay with me beautiful" I pant out.
"Stay with me."

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