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Michael's POV

My mind keeps trying to conjure up memories of last night. Well, I do remember most of the night up until I started drinking after the fight with my father. I lost count of how many bottles of beer I drank, am pretty sure I added vodka at some point. I woke up this morning with an excruciating headache, not even my Alpha Wolf or accelerated healing could save me from that one.
Apparently Dante helped me home, I have asked my warrior if I did or said anything stupid and he has denied it. According to him, I sat on a log, drank till all the coolers around me were empty or as Chris put it 'till my body was so full of alcohol that his pretty sure I had more alcohol than blood pumping through my veins'.
I am just glad that I didn't make a fool out of myself at the festival. A knock on my office door tears me out of my thoughts on my drunken escapade. Lea and Lydia walk in.
"Any news.?" I question the two warriors. I had sent them to the human town to check the area for any sign of my missing warrior. "There is no sign of him Alpha" Lea responds stiffly with her chin up.
"His parents have started asking questions, what do we tell them Alpha?" Lydia asks, her face grave, fearful of her friends fate.
"Tell them nothing. I will tell them myself and  make the announcement to the rest of the pack"
Lydia opens the door with intent to leave just as my father shows up, Lydia and Lea bow their heads in respect to my father and walk out of my office.
"Dad. Am not in the mood, neither do I have time for you" I warn my father once the door is shut "if you start spewing your nonsense again, I will fight you, I promise", standing from my sit, I glare at him. My mother barges in, interrupting our stare down. "Derrick, I told you to wait for me now look you already made him mad " she scolds "I have not said a thing Diana" he rises his hands in the air.
Mum sits on a chair, turns her head back and forth to look at me and my father "Well, sit down both of you, we are going to talk like mature adults"  

I sit back down, my father sits on a chair next to my mother. "Now, your father told me all about the fights you have been having regarding the future of the pack and I am not happy about it, I will not have my mate and son at war with each other"
"You" she points to my father "Stop pressuring my son about the surrogacy, leave him be" My father looks puzzled  "but honey I..." he tries to explain 

"No. What is important to me and what should be important to you is our sons happiness" I smirk, feeling a sense of relief having my mother here, knowing that she understands me and wants what's best for me. She's on my side. "and you" she says pointing towards me. Spoke too soon. "I understand your reasons for not wanting to have a child with another woman but son you are still Alpha, you also need to think of the future of the pack" Dad gives me the I told you so look.

"Mum, I have thought about it and I have  realized that everything will work out. I trust the goddess, she brought Kathy into my life for a reason". Now both my parents stare at me like I have lost my marbles. Dad shakes his head while my mum sighs sinking into the chair, a deflated look on her face. They say the future is not set in stone and even if it was, stones can be broken.

"Honey am home" I shout as I swing the door open to my house. Kathy sits on the couch with Vincent watching television "What's with the shouting?" she asks, clear amusement in her voice "I have always wanted to do that" I flop on the couch.
We have dinner then head to our bedroom once our son is tucked in.
I find my mate sitting on the edge of the bed when I exit the bathroom after taking a shower. She pats the space next to her.
"Your hair is still wet" she says, lightly passing her fingers through my hair after over a minute of silence. I grab her right  hand, interlock our fingers "What is bothering you beautiful? " I ask kissing the back of her hand. She caresses my left cheek, a smile on her face. "Nothing I just missed you today" climbing on to my lap, she presses her lips to mine. The kiss is long and desperate. Something is bothering her. I can feel it. I have to stop this but the taste of her lips is so addictive that I desire more. Soon I forget all about the need to restrain, succumbing to the pleasure that awaits us.

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