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Helen's POV

When you are raised in a coven, they become your family, your home. Everyday you learn of spells and incantations and you barely have time for anything else. I had resigned myself to being alone for the rest of my life but it all changed when I met him. I knew what he was from the day he called me his, I confessed what I was to him. He didn't care, he was just happy he found me.
I was elated. We began to plan our future together, it felt so surreal, to have someone love you with all their being. I felt whole.
For months we would secretly meet, by hiding his scent, no one suspected a thing . Only that day we were not careful enough and he was taken from.
If I had his mark or had anything that belonged to him I would have found him. All I have left is memories of our times together, they give me hope.
I could kill the bastards that took him but it's too risky. I cannot find him alone, I have tried.
I refused to go through with it at first yet I feared what they might do to him. A pack willing to inflict harm to it's own Luna will not  think twice on the well being of a mere warrior.
Now I am forced to do this, I do not want to harm her but I have no choice. If there was any other way I would do it. They say people do crazy things for love, the people caught up in this web of lies and deceit are proof of that.
"She should be on her way, remember once it's done, you get what you want" the werewolf says, their body partially hidden by a tree.
"Please think about what you are doing. There is still time"
"I have thought about it and this is the only way."
I am so sorry Kathy.

Kathy's POV

I quietly walk further and further away from the pack house, Micheal is in deep conversation with his Beta. I keep to the shadows and I am eventually out of sight. I change into my brown Wolf and run through woods heading to the lake.
I find Helen sitting on the sandy shore. The moonlight provides sufficient light that I can see her face aided by my Wolf vision.
"You came like I said you would" she says. 
"Yes. But before I agree to this, I want to know who sent you" I say once I change back.
"Luna, I already told you no one sent me" It seems she will never reveal her secret. Though I think I might know who sent her, he is the only one powerful enough to recruit a witch. The Alpha has made it clear on more than one occasion that he does not want me as mate to his son and as Luna of his pack. In the end, it does not matter. This is my decision.
"Okay. So what happens now? You chant some words then it's over?" It can't be that easy.
"Yes but you will feel unimaginable pain Luna, like your soul is being ripped in two which it will be to sever your mate bond then you will feel nothing but peace".
"Okay. What of Michael, will he be in pain too" she nods her head "it is inevitable Luna"
I am so sorry my love, the pain will last only a while. Soon you will be free.
"You promise me that the spell is not deadly, Michael will not be mortally wounded, he will recover from this? we will both recover from this?". She nodes her head
"I promise Michael will be fine". She says in a remorseful tone. Standing in front of me, she grabs my hands giving them a squeeze, "I am so sorry" she mutters. Wait. Why is she sorry?.
She begins to recite her spell before I can ask her what she means. What begins as a gentle tugging to the heart gradually grows into unbearable pain, tears flow down my cheeks as it feels like hot lava is coursing through my veins.
My mind in shambles as I try to comprehend my state. All that comes out of my mouth are blood curdling screams, all I feel is pain.
Something is wrong. Falling to the ground, my bones forcibly elongate and change their shape, My Wolf is fighting back but she cannot withstand the dark magic. Falling to the ground, I howl in pain.
I don't want to die, my son, I can't leave my son. Michael!.

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