The painful truth.

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A crowd of people gathered in a circle and I fought my way through and into the middle. Once I got a good look at who was fighting, my first instinct was to break it up. Everyone chanted and I stepped into the two guys.

Unfortunately, my heroism was thrown in my face and so was a fist. I stumbled back a few and cupped my eye. Mason stopped punching when he noticed me grabbing at my eye, a few tears spilling from my eyes. "Charlotte!" He ran over to me. "Oh god, I'm sorry." I mustered up a small smile.

"Its Okay, you didn't do it." Mason looked over towards Tyler and I grabbed his arm. "Please don't Mason."

He turned back to me and looked down at my hand on his arm. "He's a dickwad Charlie." I smiled and nodded. He was a dickwad, but I definitely did not want the reason Mason got suspended be me. "Lily and him had a bet going on. If he could get you to sleep with him, he'd get 200." I looked up at Mason and frowned. "I broke it off with Lily, and then I punched him in the face."

I let a stray tear fall down my cheek. I was half crying because, he'll my face hurts and I'm almost positive it's going to be a black eye, and half because I actually fucking trusted him. I pushed Mason sideways and went over to Tyler. And I slapped him. My hand stung as it hit his face but I felt so much relief and I couldn't help but smile.

Lily came into the middle of the crowd, which was still formed. I walked over to her and lifted my hand but before I could officially slap her, someone caught my hand. A arm wrapped around my stomach and slowly pulled me back. I knew it was Mason because he was wearing the cologne I had left on the sink for him as a gift. "Let me go." He bent down to my height and whispered that she wasn't worth it.

"Not only did I offer him the 200, but I also offered a night with me. He tried to sleep with you, for one night with me!" I don't think she realized how much of a whore she sounded like. I wanted to say something but Mason's hand clamped over my mouth. The words were muffled but they came out nonetheless. His other hand found mine and he dragged me away from the scene. While we were walking, I saw the principle and assistant principle walk into the middle of the circle and I was so thankful to have Mason.

He took me to the nurses office where she put ice on my eye and told me it was bruised. I resisted telling her no shit, I got punched in it, but as I opened my mouth Mason gave me a scolding look and suddenly reminded me of his mother. I studied his face and smiled as I saw that he had Kelly's kind eyes and when he smiled, they looked exactly alike. And his jawline was sharper than my eyesight.

The nurse snapped her fingers in my face and a snapped back to reality. "Mason is going to take you home, I'm afraid you might have a concussion. Whatever happened, it happened pretty hard. Wait a few hours to go to sleep. Other than that, both of your absences will be excused. Feel better Charlotte Rose." I smiled and hopped off the table. I lost my balance a little and Mason's hands immediately caught me.

We walked to the parking lot, but when I turned to walk to my car, Mason caught my wrist and frowned. "Where are you going?" I pointed over to my car and he leaned sideways to look over at it. He shook his head no and smiled. "You're coming with me. It's my birthday and I want you to see something before we go home." I agreed but only because it was his birthday and I didn't want to upset him.

He dragged me over to a motorcycle and snapped off the extra helmet. I frowned as he passed it to me. "What is this?" He rubbed the motorcycle and patted the side of it

"Mine." I shook my head. "A birthday gift from your dad." He held up his helmet and smiled. "This ones from my mom. Extra padding for extra safety." He laughed.

"I Am not getting on that... death trap." I handed him back his helmet but he grabbed my wrist again and pulled me close to him. He brought his face down to mine and smiled. I was entranced long off enough to not notice that he snapped the helmet on. He got on the bike and patted the seat behind. He pouted his lip and frowned deeply, highlighting his features greatly. I sighed and climbed on behind him. I saw his cheeks raise as he smiled triumphantly. "Don't make me regret this Mason."

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