Living With The Sexy Devil.

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My alarm went off and I slowly opened my eyes.

The sun was shining through the windows nearly blinding me. The curtains that were hanging up were absolutely hideous.

I mean, they were pink. There's nothing wrong with pink but it's just not my color. I'm more of a green type of girl. Which is weird because you would expect a girl who still keeps Teddy bears on her bed to like pink...

Anyways, a light knock on the door drew me out of my thoughts as Kelly walked into the room. "Good Morning" she gave me one of her award winning smiles. "I have breakfast ready downstairs. There's a bathroom down the hall to the left if you need it" she smiled again and left the room.

I slowly got out of bed and grabbed a towel from the box marked 'Charlie's towels.' I had some serious unpacking to do after school.

Also grabbing my tooth brush and toothpaste, I treaded down the hall to find the bathroom. The bathroom door was closed so I knocked. After waiting 2 minutes, I opened the door.

A weird noise which was something like a scream and a cough came out of my mouth.

There was Mason. Naked. In the shower.

"No no no no no no, oh My poor virgin eyes." I quickly closed the door and ran back to my room. Wishing I could get the image of him out of my head.

Moments later a smiling Mason appeared in my doorway. "Did you enjoy the show?"

Yes "No in fact, that's going to be hunting my dreams for the next few years." I stood up from my bed and pushed pass him to go into the now empty bathroom.

He followed me down the hall. "Can I join?"

"Absolutely," I walked into the bathroom and turned around to face him. " Not! "

I slammed the door in his face.

I turned on the water and tested it before I jumped in. "Ouch ouch ouch." It has hot. I tested it. And still ouch.

I quickly washed up and jumped out of the shower. After checking the halls for my idiotic stepbrother, I ran back to my room.

For the first time in awhile, I stayed away from the red pen, the fake braces and the hideous glasses.

I picked out a skirt from a box marked pants. It was black with a floral belt. I also grabbed a pink tank out a box marked tops. I threw on my black half jacket and floral baby doll shoes.

I ran downstairs and walked into he dining room. My dad looked surprised and Kelly just smiled. "Um excuse me miss, who are you and what did you do with my daughter? You know the one with the braces, glasses, and pimples."

"Ha ha ha dad." I said sarcastically. I sat in the chair across from my dad and the server brought out a plate of eggs and bacon. " I decided to go normal for once."

"Well that's good." He started talking to Kelly and I began eating. I had to eat quickly if I was going to make it on time to pick up Maya.

Mason came downstairs and I took that as my cue to leave. I took my plate into the kitchen and gave it to the servant in there. I went to walk out the kitchen but was stopped by Mason.

"Leaving so soon?" I rolled my eyes and pushed past him.

"Actually yes" I turned around to grab my keys. But since Mason was standing behind me I bumped into him."

"How about a kiss before you go?" he put his hands on the wall next to me and he puckered his lips and leaned in close to me.

"Okay one, your breath stinks, and two, were about to be siblings so how about no?" I tried to push him off but he wouldn't budge.

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