Meeting Her.

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Mason's POV

"Mason honey can you please clean your room, its a mess. I swear every time I step in here, I step on something gooey, and its unnerving." My mom bugs.

"Here's an idea, stop coming in here." I remark. She rolls her eyes and leaves the room.

"Oh and by the way," she turns around and gives the sweetest smile she could muster up. "We have guest coming this evening so, I advise you to clean up your attitude and change your clothes, you smell like a garbage." She plugs her nose and continues down the hall, her heels making the most annoying clicking noise ever.

I grab the corner of my shirt and sniff it. I almost puke, she was right. I snatch my shirt off and throw it onto the floor in the pile of other dirty shirts.

My phone goes off and Lily's name pops up. I quickly pick up the phone. "Hey."

"Baaabbbee." Her voice rings through the phone and I almost groan because its so high pitched. "There's a party tonight, you should come."

"I cant, my mom is having guest over tonight." She sighs into the phone.

"Can't you like cancel? I really want you to come."

"Fine, I guess I could tell my mom that I have to leave early." She squeals into the phone. "K Byyee." The she hangs up.

"Mason." My mom yells up the stairs.

"Yeah?" I yell back, partly because I'm too lazy to actually get up and see what she wants.

"Their almost here, are you ready at all?" Oh yeah, her guest.

Instead of answering her, I grab a towel and go to the bathroom. I take a quick shower, hating the way the steam fogs up the bathroom.

Wrapping the towel around my waist I trudge back to my room to see if i could at least find something clean for this stupid dinner.

I check my drawers and find a white button up shirt and some dark jeans. I throw them on quickly and find some shoes.

After at least 15 minutes of looking, I give up and throw on my gym shoes..

I run my hand threw my hair a few times, not really caring how I look, seeing as I'm leaving anyways.

About 20 minutes later I hear my mom yelling up the stairs again. "Mason Their here please hurry down."

I hear the door open and I'm assuming my mom let her guest in so I go down stairs.

"Will do, come in please. Mason will be down soon." My mom speaks softly.

"Mason? Is that your dog?" I hear an unfamilar voice and as I look downstairs, I see a girl about my age. I cant see her face clearly, but from here she looks hot.

I made my way downstairs, capturing everyones attention.

"Mason, this is... oh where'd she go... Oh there she is. Come on out don't be shy. Mason this is Charlotte Rose. " My mom introduces the girl as she slides out from behind what I'm assuming is her dad.

Hot was definitely underestimated. She had deep brown eyes, creamy skin and long brown hair. This girl was beautiful.

She stuck out her small hand out towards me "Call me Charlie." She smiled and it was the most amazing thing I've seen today. I attempted to smile back but only ended up with a smirk.

"I'm Mason. Its nice to meet you, Charlie."

"I-Its nice to meet you too." She stumbles.

"Well, we'll leave you two to talk... Mike, do you want a drink?" My mom states.

My New Stepbrother.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ