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The alarm clock rung and I turned over ad looked at Mason. He was still sound asleep and looked as amazing as he did awake.. Minus the drool.

He rolled over and just before his eyes fluttered open, the sound of crying dragged me out of bed. I groaned and sat up as two arms wrapped around my waist. Mason pulled me back and dragged me into his chest. "Good Morning" His husky voice whispered in my ear. He kissed my cheek and hummed in my ear. "I will never get tired of waking up next to you." His lips traveled from my cheek and down to my neck. I tilted my head slightly and he kissed my neck more. I moaned quietly and turned around and finally met his lips.

The sound of crying broke us apart and Mason rolled his eyes before climbing out of bed.  I got up and followed him into the baby's room. Anna sat in the rocking chair holding her little brother in her arms and rocking him back and forth. She looked up and saw us and placed her fingers over her lips. I smiled and she slowly stood up and put Jacob back in his crib. "You guys were asleep so I came and put him back to sleep." She smiled. Mason picked her up and we all left out of the room.

"How about eggs for breakfast?" I smiled and Mason passed Anna to me. He went into the kitchen to make breakfast and Anna and I went and sat on the couch. I turned on the TV and Anna watched SpongeBob. Anna scooted in closer towards me and smiled. Her attention quickly directed back to SpongeBob and Mason c0alled me into the kitchen. I turned the volume up a little more and slid off the couch. Mason was facing the stove so I used my socks and slid across the floor and wrapped my arms around him.

"Did ya call?" he nodded and turned around, still wrapped in my arms and smiled. He leaned down and grabbed my face with both hands before kissing me. I smiled hallway into the kiss when I heard tiny footsteps come to a running halt. I broke away from the kiss turned around to face my daughter. "Hi again Annabelle." She made a puking noise and ran back into the living room.

"OH! AND BY THE WAY, GRANDMAS HERE." She shouted from the living room. We heard a door close and broke apart from our hug. I walked into the living room where my mom sat holding Jacob. "And I also accidentally woke up Jacob... Sorry mom." She smiled slyly and went back to watching SpongeBob.

"Mom I don't remember inviting you over." She smiled and stood from the couch and handed Jacob over to me.

"Funny, because I remember just showing up." Her once grey now red hair was up in a professional manner and she was in a suit. "I decided I'd come see my grandchildren since you never bring them over anymore." She held her arms out for Anna and Anna willingly jumped into them.

"I could say the same for my brother. He's turning 11 soon and I haven't seen him since he was what? 9?" I frowned and placed Jacob into his high chair. Mason put a bottle onto the desk and Jacob immediately drank it. "I'd like to actually get to the know the kid my children are calling uncle. My mom put Anna into one of the chairs and Mason put a plate of eggs and bacon in front of her.

"Mike has been with his dad a lot. Surprisingly, he has taken a liking to the little whore his father is with."

"MOM, Language please!"

"Mommy, what's a whore?" I mentally facepalmed and went and sat next to my daughter. My mom across from us and Mason brought in the rest of the plates. "Mommy?"

"Honey, please just eat your eggs, so we can get you ready for school." She frowned and ate her food. My mom shrugged nonchalantly and smiled. "Anna, you don't ever say that word again... Or anything grandmother says? Just this grandmother though, Grandma Kelly is actually a good influence on you, which is why she sees you more." I kissed Anna's forehead and my mom sighed.

"How is Kelly by the way? I haven't spoken to her in ages." My mom shoveled a spoon full of eggs into her mouth and with the way she was dressed and the way she was eating, it was just a giant contradicting picture and I couldn't help but giggle. Everyone at the table looked over at me and I started to laugh harder.

"I'm sorry." I covered my mouth and Mason cleared his throat.

"My mom is great. She just got a huge promotion at work, so she really happy about that. In fact, we're celebrating tonight, you should join us, I'm sure my mom would love to catch up with you." I coughed and Mason frowned. "Charlie..." He scolded.

"No Mason, Charlotte is right."





"blggblg" Everyone turned to look at Jacob, who now had slobber and drool all over his face. He squealed and flopped back in his chair. Mason smiled and took him out and wiped his face.

"Anyways, CHARLIE, is right, I'm sure Kelly wouldn't want her late husbands ex wife at her celebration at her celebration, nut make sure you congratulate her for me." My mom glanced at her watch. "I'd better get going, and you better start getting her ready or both of us are going to be late." She smiled and kissed Anna and Jacob's forehead before waving goodbye.

I quickly bathed and dressed Anna, and also got Jacob ready for daycare while Mason packed both of their lunches. We were out the door and had Anna and I on time to school with time to spare. I helped Anna out of the car and smiled at Mason. "Happy 4 years, It's been a pleasure being married to you." He smiled and blew me a kiss before rushing off to Jacob's daycare.

I smiled and looked down at my ring before Anna grabbed my hand and dragged me into the building.



Sorry this took so long, but I have a job that I has me working most everyday! So I've been Beary busy. But thank you to those who stuck around and bared with me. Without you guys, 100k reads wouldn't have been possible!!! I love every one of you guys!! You're all amazing!

xoxo Brittany (:

My New Stepbrother.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora