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I cant say that I didn't imagine myself with Mason, But that's the thing about imagining things, they don't come true. So when I woke the next morning, I pinched myself to make sure that yesterday wasn't just a dream. I checked my phone only to see that there was no text. I sighed and threw my phone onto the other side of the bed, but when it violently vibrated, I found myself diving onto it to see if it was a text from Mason. But with m luck, it was just Maya telling me that she had gone to school early and that my keys were on the table.

I groaned and jumped out of bed and trudged into the bathroom. I almost screamed when I looked into the mirror. My hair was all over the place and I had yesterdays make up smudged on my face. I frowned and grabbed my cheeks and pulled them from my face. I could hear my alarm going off on my phone and I hurried and took a shower. Unfortunately before I jumped in I didn't check the temperature, so you can bet the singeing of my skin awoke me fully. I quickly turned on the cold water and sighed at the sudden relief. I finished my shower and jumped out of the tub, only to slip and fall on the floor.

 This morning was going great so far. And my sarcasm is great too.

I dried my hair and decided to further my bad luck and curl my hair. If you don't remember my theory on curled hair, shame on you. Curling my hair took longer than I assumed it would and I found myself rushing to get dressed. I settled for simple shorts and a tank with my jean jacket. I didn't have time to out on makeup so I slid onto my flats and ran to my car. I opened the door and groaned as I realized that I forgot my keys. Luckily, Maya's dad is a lot more observant than I am and brought my keys out to me.

I smiled and thanked him and drove off to school. I texted Maya and told her I was going to be a little late and she didn't reply so I figured I was super late and that she was already asleep in class. I frowned and sped up a little, making sure not to go over the speed limit. But I figured I failed when red and blue lights flashed in my rearview mirror. I groaned as I slowed down and pulled over. A young officer got out of the car and walked up to mine, pen and paper in hand. I'm glad I didn't wear makeup today because I had a feeling it was going to be running down my face. He tapped on the window and I smiled. "Is there a problem officer."

"License and registration please." I sighed and solemnly nodded as I grabbed my things out of the glove department. I handed him the stuff and he glanced at it and nodded then handed it back to me. He scribbled a few things on his notepad and handed it to me. "Good luck" and then he walked away. I looked at the paper prepared to cringe but when I looked down, it only had a locker combination and number. I looked in my rearview mirror to see if the cop was still there but he was gone. On the back of the paper was a note saying to go to that locker when I got to school.

I frowned as I realized I was even later for school now. I put the car in drive and drove off to school. I arrived and figured, I was already late, might as well find out what this note was about. Probably just some stupid prank or something. I walked into the building and repeated the numbers in my head. After finding the mysterious locker, I opened and found another note inside. "September  25, 2014. I'll never forget the day  I came face to face with someone I knew I'd grow to love." I smiled and took the note out of the locker. There was another note waiting behind it and I picked it up. Scrawled on it was the girls bathroom, stall 2. I smiled and went to the girls bathroom.

Inside stall 2 was another note. "September 27, 2014. The day I first kissed her, The day I hoped wouldn't be the last time I kissed her." There was another note behind that one. I went to the place on the note and it led me to my own locker. "October  30, 2014. The day I accidentally scared her and thought I had lost her forever. I had never regretted something more." I frowned remembering how he had scared me by dressing up as a clown and shivered. The next note led me to the bulletin board outside of the cafeteria. "February 11, 2015. The day she took a punch in the face for me. The day she kissed me first. The day she skinny dipped with me. The best birthday ever." I smiled remembering how I had been hesitant about jumping into the lake. The next location was his locker. I recognized the smell of rotten shoes. " February 15, 2015 The day she lost someone, but I gained a beautiful girlfriend, wonderful person and I got the girl I've wanted since 2nd grade"

II wiped a few stray tears and went to the last location, my homeroom. Inside the class, Mason was holding a poster board. "February 20, 2015. The day I asked her to prom, and she (hopefully) says yes."  He dropped the board and looked at me. I nodded and he ran up to me and hugged me. "Was the whole ticket thing really necessary?" He laughed and shook his head.

"Probably not." I smiled and kissed him. But not before pinching myself. "What are you doing?" I looked up at him and cheesed.

"I just wanted to make sure this was real life. " He laughed and kissed me. Behind us, you could hear the teacher and the rest of the class clapping. We broke apart and Maya smiled and waved from the back of the class. "You couldn't have given me a heads up?"

"And spoil the surprise? Absolutely not. And the cop was my idea. He's a friend of our dads and he was more than happy to help." She smiled and I hugged her.


My phone vibrated and I checked it. A number I didn't recognize popped up and I frowned. I called the number. "Hello?"

"Charlotte?" The voice gasped and I immediately recognized it. I felt myself beginning to cry and I held my breath

"Mom.... How did you get this number?" She sighed and I heard her breathing through the phone. She didn't answer for awhile, but after at least 5 minutes and replied.

"Your father gave it to me before he died. He said I should try to make up with you, if you'll give me a chance?" I sat the phone down on the table and turned on speaker phone. I put my hands into my hands and sighed. "I didn't want to leave you.... My mother found out about you and was furious that I wasted my time with your father and had a child out of wedlock. They threatened to take away my money and prove me an unfit mother. If I wouldn't have left, you'd be with a foster family. I had no other choice." there was a long pause and I sighed. 

"Is that why she's so cold towards me?" my mom mumbled a yes through the phone and I sighed. "We can have lunch sometime... Whenever you're free?

"Sure of course, most definitely. I'll call, or text, whichever is more efficient." She said bye and hung up the phone. I rubbed my temples and frowned.

I hope I don't regret this.

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