Meeting Him.

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"Charlie, you're going to be late for the 3rd time this week. Come on get up."

"Go away dad, I'm already up."

"But you're still in bed."

"You have to give the bed time, it has separation anxiety."

"Exactly how much sleep did you get?"


"Alright, well breakfast is ready so get up and shower, be down in 30 min or I'll send the cat." He left out of the room and closed the behind. I jumped up and made sure to lock the cat door we had installed so Prissy could have access to all rooms. Prissy was all white and fat. We got her when I was two and I adored her ever since then. But in the morning she was mean.

I ran in the bathroom and slipped on the tiles. Luckily, I caught my balance on the sink before the full wipeout had occurred. Turning on the water I hopped in and since I figured I didn't need to spend my whole life in here, at least not today, I quickly washed up and got out. Grabbing my red pen, I carefully placed dots around my face. Brushing my hair into an obnoxiously high ponytail, I completed the look with my glasses. Okay, so the naturally dotted face was a lie, but high school is brutal if you're not popular. So I chose a different approach to it. Pretend to be a nerd. The braces helped out a lot. Throwing on my sweats and a baggy shirt, quickly ran downstairs where dad and Prissy waited for me. Prissy waited at the table in her favorite chair while dad set everyone's select foods onto the table.

"Charlie, why do you do this to your face?"

"What exactly are you talking about dad?"

"The dots, Charlie. The dots." He picked up his fork and shoved the food into his mouth. All while Prissy was looking back and forth between us.

"You were in high school before right? You know how cruel those kids can be. If they don't notice, you're safe."

"But you're beautiful, why would they even think about hurting you?"

"Because I'm a nobody, that's why." I looked at my phone clock cursing aloud. "I'm late nobody. Bye dad." I hopped out my chair and kissed his cheek.

"Charls wait, I forgot to tell you, but Kelly invited us over for dinner, her son will be there so you can finally meet him."

"Oh Great."

"Oh you have to dress up, that means no red dots. And a dress." I rolled my eyes and trudged out the door. Getting in the car, I put my Lana Del Ray CD and Summer Time Sadness came on. The drive to the school wasn't that long but I had to pick up my best friend Maya and her sister. Maya was my best friend since 1st grade and her sister was like my older sister.


"Once again"

"Guys cut me some slack okay." Once they got all settled in, I drove off.

I pulled in the school's parking lot and there was a couple of people standing by their cars. We all got out and walked in the school and I almost expected the hallways to be empty. Unfortunately, luck is never in my favor. The Hallway was full and or a moment, it seemed like there was more people in there than there normally was. I pushed my way through the hall accidentally bumping into one of the jock from the football team. This particular group were the most known people of the school. There was the quarterback, Mason. The Cheerleader, his girlfriend, Lily. Mason was your average day hot guy. Black hair, blue eyes perfect height, perfect face, and perfect muscles. Oh and then there's Lily. Blonde hair, green eyes, bitchy attitude.

"Watch where you're going, nerd."

"Uh-um I-I-I'm sorry." I put my head down and walked faster through the hall.

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