The Accident.

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It was 3 am when the phone rang. I could hear Kelly crying, even from 3 rooms over. It took 5 minutes before my door slammed open. "It's all my fault" tears were streaming down her face. "Your dad was in an accident."


I couldn't breathe as we walked through the hospital and I had to admit that I was still pinching myself to see if this were some crazy dream. The smell of cleaning solution burned my nose and all the white had me squinting. Kelly was in front of Mason and I and I felt Mason squeeze my hand. I looked up at him, my vision suddenly blurry. I wasn't prepared for what we would see. The police officer gave no details, only that dad's completely totaled car was being towed away.

The doctor led us to my dads room and I heard Kelly gasp. "There's a significant amount of brain damage and we're under the impression that he is in a coma. We don't know when... Or if he'll wake up. But when he does, then we can tell you what precautions to take. He also has a broken rib and a fractured ankle." Kelly's hands went to her face and she sobbed. The doctor put his hand on her shoulder. He told her a bunch of other medical stuff that only she would understand.

I had been standing behind the blinds, so I have yet to see my father and by the way that Kelly cried, I didn't think I wanted to. I took a few steps forward and I could literally feel my heart breaking as I looked at my father. Many emotions swarmed around in my head. I was angry at Kelly, my mother, my father, myself. But most of all I was sad.

Kelly put her hand on my shoulder and I snatched away. I didn't look directly at her, but I could see her hurt through in the glass reflection. "If you wouldn't have told him to go, he wouldn't be in a coma. He was drunk." I turned around angrily and I saw Kelly flinch. "HE WAS DRUNK AND YOU TOLD HIM TO GO! If he dies, it's your fault." Her eyes were watering again. I regretted what I said the moment I said it but I was too angry to apologize.

I walked out of the hospital and called Maya. I asked her to come pick me up. It was now 4:30 and I was fully aware of that. Maya complained a little but after I told her what happened she told me she was on her way. Someones hand grabbed my shoulder and turned around. Mason stood, his eyes red. "Are you okay?" I shook my head. "My moms pretty upset..." He wanted me to say sorry to her.

"I don't care Mason. My dads in a coma." He frowned and grabbed my hand. "Don't touch me! Don't." I started crying again and I just wanted it to stop. I got in the car with my. She gave me a sympathetic look as she drove off, leaving Mason standing there.

The last few days were hectic. My dad still hasn't woken up and I haven't talked to Mason or Kelly. I've been staying with Maya and her dad for the past 3 days. I've been at hospital when I wasn't in school. Kelly has been up there too but when she comes into the room, I leave and wait in the waiting room. She'll come out crying every time and I hesitate to comfort her, but I'm just reminded that if she hadn't kicked him out, we wouldn't even be here.

I stood as she walked out and went into my fathers room and sat down. I clasped his cold hand between my two warm ones. "Please wake up..." I squeezed his hand and frowned. A shadow appeared in the doorway and I turned to look up. "What the hell are you doing here."

She came in and sat down in on of the extra chairs and crossed her legs. "Charlotte Rose, watch your language, I am still your mother and you will not take that tone with me." She looked over at my father and grimaced. She switched her legs and put her hands under her legs.

"It was your perfume, wasn't it?" She looked confused for a brief second. "Oh don't play dumb. You know damn well what I'm talking about. HE.." I pointed to my father. "SMELLED LIKE YOU." I pointed to her. I don't know why I was so angry lately... "You're even wearing it now!" She shifted awkwardly in her seat.

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