The Bonfire... Or Party?

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"Kelly. There isn't much I can say that I haven't already said. Besides, you are my new beginning. And If I have to keep proving that, I want to do it for the rest of my life... So will you marry me?"


"What?" I was shocked to say the least. Bewildered that she had said yes. Amazed that my father had finally found someone good.

But kind of sad that she wasn't my mom to begin with.

"Yes?" My father smiled then gently placed the ring on Kelly's finger.

"Michael this is absolutely amazing."

"You're amazing."


"Mom, I have to go." Mason stood from the table.

"Oh yes. The bonfire." She snapped out of her 'I'm in love' Daze to pay Mason the little bit of attention she could.

"Yeah. and I should leave now."

"Oh, Mason, I have an Idea. Why don't you take Charlotte with you."

"What?" Bonfire? Um no thank you.

"Sure, she can tag along."

"No, no I-its fine. I don't have to go."

"Why not Charls, it'll be fun, you can do something besides sit in your room and read all night."

"DAD. Please."

"Oh Come on Charlie, I don't bite."

"Ya, but I'm pretty sure your friends do." I whispered under my breath.

Apparently not quiet enough because my dad heard.

"Charlotte Rose."

"Michael Fray."

"There's no winning with you, is there?"

"Why don't you go Charlie. Have a little fun."

"But. Not too much fun."

"Fine. I'll Go!"

"Good. Let's Go."

I abruptly sat up from my seat and followed Mason out of the house cringing as the cold air hit my bare legs.

He unlocked the doors to an amazing car that I honestly don't need to go into detail on. Because who really wants to make this all about a car.

I went to open the door to the backseat but Mason stopped me. "Charlotte seriously, I wont bite you, you can sit in the front seat."

I nodded and climbed into the front seat. "So you really don't talk much do you?"

"No, that's apart of keeping to myself."

"Why do you keep to yourself?"

"Does it really matter?" I started playing with my fingers.

"No, I guess not."

The rest of the car ride was pretty quiet, and kind of awkward.

After the dreadfully quiet car ride, we finally pulled up in front of this house.

There were girls dressed in less clothing than I wear at the beach, if that's even possible... There was also a guy passed out on the lawn, people puking in the bushes, music so loud I couldn't hear myself think.

"This is a bonfire?" I, somewhat scared, looked at Mason. A smile appeared on his face.

"Not exactly, I may have fibbed a little, this is a party." He let out a chuckle that nearly made me faint, but I kept my cool.

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