Never Speak Of It.

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I woke up in my bed the next morning. Thankfully, alone. I sighed a breathe of relief and stood up from bed. I opened the door and the smell of bacon hit me.

I followed the smell down to the kitchen where Kelly was cooking breakfast. "Good Morning." She jumped in surprise and turned around.

"Oh good morning Charlotte." She turned back around and flipped the pancake she had been previously working on. "I hope Mason wasn't too much of a bother last night."

I slowly recalled the events from last night and replayed them in my mind. "No, he was actually pleasant." Yup reeeeaall pleasant.

"Oh that's good. What'd you guys do?" She began to hum.

"Oh nothing, ate some pizza, watched some tv." Made out on the couch....

"Oh how nice. Well, have a seat at the table and let me get you some pancakes."
I smiled and sat at the table.

My dad came downstairs and kissed Kelly on the cheek. She smiled and flipped another pancake onto the plate. "Go sit down Hun. I'll bring you pancakes. Charlotte Dear can you go get Mason?"

I nodded and took a deep breath before I stood from the table. I walked up to Mason's room and knocked on the door. He opened the door and was shirtless, which seemed to be his style now.

His hair was messy from sleep and his face was fresh with exhaust. I loved every minute of staring at him. "Uhh your mom wants you come down for breakfast." He smiled and leaned his head against the door.

"I don't think I want to." I frowned and he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the room and closed the door behind us.

He pinned me against the door and kissed me gently on the lips. "I didn't get to finish what I started last night."

"Well we definitely can't finish it right now. " I pushed him off and opened the room door. "Come down for breakfast." He ran a hand through his hair and nodded.

I watched as he picked up a random shirt from the ground and threw it on. He pecked me one more time before walking down stairs ahead of me.

I sighed as I pieced together my head. It frustrated me that he had an affect on me. But I kind of liked it.

But it had to stop. No. Bad Charlie. Bad Mason.

I forced a smile onto my face despite my rush of emotions and walked downstairs. I sat calmly at the table across from Mason. He sat next to my dad.

Kelly came into the dining room with a plate of pancakes. She put them in front of everyone and smiled. "Mason honey, why don't you sit next to Charlotte Rose." He grinned mischievously and I groaned aloud.

"Yes mom." He stood and took his seat next to me. His hand traveled onto my thigh and I jumped. My dad gave me a weird look but I laughed it off.

I got some pancakes off of the plate and put them on mine. I grabbed the syrup and tried squirting some on my pancakes but ended up getting in on the table rather than my pancakes thanks to a certain someone grabbing my thigh and distracting me.

"Oh no, sweety. Let me get something for that. " Kelly started to stand from her seat but I immediately stopped her.

"No, no... Let me get it." I stood up abruptly from my seat and walked into the kitchen. I took a deep breath before grabbing a napkin and going back out there. Mason and My Dad were laughing about something.

"What's so funny." I glared at Mason.

"Nothing, just your baby stories." Mason laughed harder.

"If it makes you feel better, I didn't laugh." Kelly looked at me and smiled.

"Thanks Kelly."

"Tell us more."

"Let's not."

"Alrighty." My dad spoke again. "One time when she was younger, her and her friend Maya got into her moms makeup and they looked ridiculous, but they both insisted we go out for ice cream. So I took them. Ya know what, I think I still have the pictures."

"You have pictures?! This keeps better and better." Mason smiled wider.

"Cool dad." I stood up from the table and went to my room. I slammed my door so dad understood that I was angry.

It wasn't that he was telling baby stories, it was who was featured in every single baby story. He knew how I felt about talking about mom.

She started off as a good mom, but over the years she fell distant. She stopped smiling as much, she stopped telling me she loved me... All that little things had went away, so I didn't like talking about them.

I felt like I ruined her life. No matter how much dad had insisted I didn't. I did, because now she has a different kid and she's happier than ever. I wanted to warn the kid not to get too attached to her because she was just going to stop loving him.

But seemed to really love him and it shattered my heart into pieces. She was supposed to be my mom. She was supposed to love me. She promised to always be there... And now she's not.

A knock on the door drew me out of my thoughts and Kelly entered with an awkward smile. Her smile immediately went away when she saw me. I tried to wipe a few stray tears off of my face. It was a weak attempt.

"Oh honey." She came and sat on my bed and grabbed my hand. "I'm sure I'm the last person you would want to open up to. But let me tell you, I've been in your place." She scooted closer on the bed and frowned.

"My mom, she didn't exactly know how to show love... It wasn't in her definition. She expected so much of me. She wanted me to be a lawyer, and for awhile... I went along with it, just to make her happy. But I've always wanted to be a doctor, and she couldn't stand the though of me not doing what she wanted me to do." Kelly sighed and suddenly this felt like a therapy session.

"When I told her I wanted to become a doctor, she has told me that I wasn't a daughter of hers. And it's crazy, you would think she'd be okay with me being a doctor? She was furious."

"I'm sorry." She shook her head.

"Don't be. I've never been happier as a doctor. I would have been miserable as a lawyer." She smiled. "My point is, sometimes, someone doesn't get the mother thing right, but whatever makes you happy, is what you do." She frowned again. "At least I think that was the lesson of this story." She laughed.

She hugged me "I'm sorry about your dad, he's clueless." It was my turn to laugh.

"Yeah, sometimes he can be."


Omg. Sorry if it's short. I prefer short chapters and quick updates. Thank you for all the support I've been getting lately. It makes writing so much better.

This chapter was a bit out there. It was supposed to be bonding time between Kelly and Charlotte seeing as they haven't been talking much.

Next chapter I'll bring Tyler back and there'll be a bit more romance between those too.

Once again, thanks for the support. Comment, share, and vote!

My New Stepbrother.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora