New Friend

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The rest of school was dreadful and somewhat unbearable. Why? Because my idiot of a almost stepbrother kept staring at me. Not only was it awkward because if this morning, but it was freaking creepy! I'd rather go back to where he barely noticed me. It'd be a lot easier.

Thankfully Maya stuck by my side the whole day or I probably would have left screaming. Because not only was Mason staring but the entire school population was. One of my teachers even asked if I was new! I had to hold back the urge to scream in her face.

And what's even worse is Lily started talking to me. She told me that she was thankful that little nerd, me, decided to leave the school. Because she couldn't look at someone who thought she could get away with bumping into the Queen B. Not her words exact but her rant went a little something like that.

The period before lunch seemed to drag on which was unfortunate because I was really hungry and being at lunch brought me two hours closer to going home and forgetting this day ever happened. Which was going to be impossible seeing as the cause of this horrible day lived in the same house as me.

The bell rang dismissing the class and as I walked out the teacher gave me a weird look. She had been looking at me the whole hour probably trying to guess who the hell I was. After today, I'm sticking to the messy buns, baggy clothes and going back to the good ol' days when no one knew I existed.

I walked to my locker and shoved my books inside. Slamming my locker close, I let out a little scream. Tyler laughed at my reaction. "I didn't mean to scare you Charlotte. I was just simply going to ask you if you wanted to have lunch together." He gave me an award winning smile.

"And you thought scaring me was going to get me to say yes?" I grabbed my bag off of the ground and pulled it onto my shoulders. I had dropped it when I saw Tyler. I started to walk away but Tyler quickly caught up. He walked next to me until we got to the cafeteria. "You know, I never said yes."

He smiled. "Yeah, but who could say no to this face?" He folded his hands and put them under his chin and started blinking really quickly. I laughed and walked in front of him in line. "Hey, I was here first."

"Well if you want me to sit with you, know one thing, food is my life so don't interfere with it or I'll end yours." I put on my most genuine smile. And grabbed a tray.

"Ya know, that's kind of creepy how you talk so dark with the brightest smile on your face." He shivered.

"It comes from years of practice." I winked at him and he laughed.

The line continued to move and once we reached the front, I pulled out my money to pay but Tyler quickly gave the money to the lunch lady. "I could have paid for my own food." I pouted as I waited for him.

"Think of it as a favor. And know you owe me something." He smiled as we walked to an empty table with our trays.

"But I didn't ask you to pay." I whined. I looked over at him and he frowned. "Okay okay, what's the favor?" He smiled and stole a carrot from my tray. "Heey!"

"I paid for it." He smiled as he chewed on the carrot."

"Touché." He nodded. "Anyways, the favor?" I picked up the water bottle beside my tray and took a sip.

"Go on a date with me." He smiled confidently and I spit out my water on the table in front of me. That was really lady like. Yup, way to impress him. You go Charlie. "Was that a no....?" I quickly shook my head.

"No it was an umm..." Water dribbled out of my mouth and into my hand. That is soooo attractive. I grabbed a napkin and wiped my chin and mouth. "Um, I'm sorry. That has never happened to me before."

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