Chapter Seven

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Kingsley used to be in love.

He was with his highschool boyfriend, Cole, for over two years. But once Kingsley moved away for college, and Cole stayed behind— they broke up shortly after. Cole said the reason was long distance, and Kingsley was even ready to move back to his hometown, but Roan had stopped him from dropping out and doing so.

Kingsley took the break-up hard. Even though four years had passed, he still wasn't completely over his first love. What made things worse was that a few months ago, he found out that Cole had started dating Derek, who was Kingsley's best friend back in school. Not only that, they had started dating just months after his break-up with Kingsley.

"Engaged!? They're fucking engaged?" Kingsley exclaimed as he ran a hand through his hair.

He had just come across a post on Instagram, where Cole's cousin had congratulated the couple on their engagement. Needless to say, Kingsley was livid.

"Seems like that," Roan muttered as he watched Kingsley pace around the living room.

"I can't believe this shit," Kingsley said, "so, Derek didn't only date my fucking ex boyfriend, but now he's marrying him? Isn't that like, against the bro code or something?"

"You both aren't exactly friends anymore..."

"This is the reason why! He could've had his gay awakening with anyone! Anyone but Cole!" Kingsley inhaled deeply, trying to calm down, but it was of no use.

"It's been years, Kingsley, you've got to move on," Kai, Kingsley's other friend and Roan's husband, said softly.

"You think I haven't tried?" Kingsley snapped, "it's not that easy to move on from your first fucking love."

"Hey, you're angry, I get that, but don't take it out on Kai," Roan said.

"Sorry," Kingsley muttered. He sat down on the recliner and groaned, "do you know if they've set a date yet?"

"No," Roan answered, "even if I did, it's not your business anymore. The less you know, the better."

"Don't go all philosophical on me," Kingsley deadpanned, "Cole used to talk all the time about wanting to marry me and growing old with me and all the bullshit. All lies. All fucking lies."

"Things change, people break up," Kai said, "you're going to find someone too."

"I highly doubt that," Kingsley scoffed.

Kingsley hadn't dated anyone since Cole. Just a few first dates and one night stands here and there, but nothing serious. In his eyes, nothing compared to what he had with Cole. Besides, he wasn't ready to get his heart broken again. There was no way he would let anyone have that kind of power over him again. Not even in his worst nightmare.

"Let's go out," Roan said as he got up.

"Where?" Kingsley asked.

"Anywhere. How about that club on the thirty second you keep raving about?" Roan replied.

"I'm not in the mood," Kingsley muttered.

"Well, then get in the mood, because we're all getting sloshed tonight," Roan stated.

"We have work in the morning?"

"So?" Kai said as he stood up as well, "not the first time we'll be going to work with a hangover."

"Fuck this. I need a drink, I'm in," Kingsley said.

"Atta boy," Roan smirked.

Kai called for a cab, and soon enough the three men were on their way to the club. Kingsley had only one agenda for the night, and that was to get shitfaced drunk and forget that his ex best friend was marrying his ex boyfriend.

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