Chapter Thirty Seven

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"—I really think their new project has the potential to be the next big thing. I know we're not sure of their credibility yet but I really believe they're worth the risk," Zeke finished, making Kingsley hum as he nodded while overlooking the files.

"Just a few weeks in and you're already trying to convince me take risks," Kingsley said. "That's rather bold."

"Just go through their proposal again. We can call them for a pitch if you're interested and then you can make up your mind," Zeke replied. "But I just have a really strong gut feeling about them and what they do."

"I trust your judgement," Kingsley paused. "Schedule a meeting with them and ask them to prepare a presentation."

"You got it, boss," Zeke smiled.

Kingsley was growing more and more comfortable in his position as the days passed. He and Zeke had gotten closer, after working together for very long hours five days a week, and sometimes during the weekends too. Kingsley would even go as far as calling him a friend now.

Apart from Zeke, the other employees were also slowly warming up to him, which Kingsley was grateful for. Kingsley had even hosted a dinner party at his place as a way to lighten up the situation and build a bond, which had seemed to work to some extent. Instead of blank faces, he was now being greeted by small smiles and cheerful good mornings.

Kingsley and Zeke were once again working overtime, and at this point Kingsley didn't even care anymore. At least when he was working then he didn't have the time to think about Lorenzo. He was spending every bit of his energy in burying Lorenzo deep in his mind as to avoid consciously sulking about what happened.

No matter how much he tried, he couldn't seem to completely push him away. Especially at nights when he was alone in his bed, remembering how it felt to be laying down next to the other man. How his arms would feel around Kingsley, how his breath would tickle his neck and how incredible it was to wake up to his soft kisses.

Just a week ago Kingsley saw the cologne that Lorenzo used in a store, and bought it during a moment of weakness. It still wasn't the same though. And Kingsley hated himself for missing something as stupid as the man's scent. That wasn't the only thing that kept reminding him of Lorenzo, though. Even small things like pancakes, the restaurant they first ate out together at or the song that was playing when he first got in Lorenzo's car... everything kept bringing back memories.

Kingsley closed his eyes before lightly shaking his head, as if trying to push Lorenzo out from his mind once again. Just when he was about to get back to work, his phone rang. Kingsley grabbed his phone from the table, his eyes widening slightly in shock as he stared at the name on the screen.

It had been seven weeks since the last time he spoke to Lorenzo. And now he was calling him?

Kingsley kept watching the phone ring, frozen. Zeke turned to face Kingsley, furrowing his brows with a confused look on his face.

"You going to pick that up?"

Zeke's question finally broke Kingsley out of his trance, as he decided to pick up the call. He was in half a mind not to, but he thought if Lorenzo was calling him after so long then it must've been important. His heartbeat quickened as he grew worried, hoping that Lorenzo was okay and not hurt or in any sort of trouble.

Kingsley didn't say anything as he pressed the phone to his ear. After a moment of silence, Lorenzo finally spoke up from the other end.


Kingsley's breath hitched at hearing his name from the other man's lips. Until that moment, he hadn't even noticed how much he missed his voice. Kingsley was definitely fucked as he realized, once again, that it wasn't just Lorenzo's touch that he missed. But every single thing about him.

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