Chapter Twenty

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Kingsley inhaled deeply as he knocked on Lorenzo's door. He was in half a mind to not show up, but flashes of his night with Lorenzo played in front of his eyes whenever he closer them. The way Lorenzo made him feel... How he made his body feel— Kingsley just couldn't help but go back for more.

Lorenzo opened the door just a few seconds later, motioning Kingsley to come in before locking the door behind him. Lorenzo was still dressed in formal wear, he hadn't changed after coming back from the office. Kingsley's eyes immediately fell on the bottle of scotch that was on the living room table, with two glasses next to it.

Lorenzo poured Kingsley a drink, which the younger man easily accepted. The two sat down on the couch, and it wasn't hard to tell that Lorenzo was clearly struggling with something. Kingsley had assumed this was a booty call, but the more he looked at Lorenzo's troubled expression, the less he felt so.

"So, uh, sorry for getting straight to it but why did you invite me over?" Kingsley finally broke the silence.

"I wanted to talk to you about something," Lorenzo replied.

"That's never good," Kingsley muttered as he took a sip of his drink.

"I don't know if you're aware of this but... I used to be married. Years ago. The woman in my office today was my ex-wife," Lorenzo paused. "We hadn't spoken in years and then turns out she was one of the lawyers in the new law firm we hired a few months ago."

"It's a small world," Kingsley said.

"At first we decided we would keep it strictly business, but then we started meeting and hanging out for the sake of what we once had," Lorenzo sighed. "She told me she wants to get back together. To try again."

"Oh," Kingsley blinked. "So, you're getting back with her and we can't fuck around anymore? Is that what you wanted to tell me?"

"No! No." Lorenzo shook his head. "I told her no."

"Why?" Kingsley furrowed his brows in confusion as he asked.

"I told her the truth," Lorenzo answered. "That in the last few years I've come to terms with my attraction towards men and that I don't think I can, or want to, be with a woman again."

"How did she take it?" Kingsley questioned. "Don't tell me she pulled the whole 'did I turn you gay' crap."

"No, she didn't." Lorenzo let out a dry chuckle. "She was quite understanding, actually. Shocked at first, of course. But she took it well, I think."

"That's great," Kingsley mumbled. "No offence but why did you want to talk to me about this?"

"I just didn't want you making any assumptions after seeing me with her in the office. Just in case you knew she was my ex-wife. I thought I'd clear it all up," Lorenzo said.

"Why would I make any assumptions?" Kingsley tilted his head slightly. "It's not like we're... dating or anything. We just had sex once."

Lorenzo was stunned as he stared at Kingsley. Kingsley bit his tongue, realising that he probably sounded a bit harsh. But it was the truth, nonetheless. They had only fucked once, and that didn't make them boyfriends. Kingsley didn't want Lorenzo thinking anything else.

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