Chapter Thirty Eight

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"Shit, it's still visible," Zeke muttered as he stood up. "I'm sorry, boss, I'll get it dry cleaned and—"

"It's fine, Zeke, really," Kingsley replied, not taking his eyes off of Lorenzo, who was still standing near the door. "Can you bring the car around? I'll meet you outside the building."

"I can drive your car?" Zeke asked, surprised. Kingsley nodded wordlessly as he handed Zeke the keys, not caring about his half a million dollar vehicle in the slightest. "Sure! I'll give you a call."

Zeke turned around, not paying Lorenzo any mind as he walked to the door. He muttered an 'excuse me' since Lorenzo was blocking the way. Lorenzo finally moved to the side, still not breaking the eye contact with his former employee.

After another few moments of silence, Kingsley sighed before turning towards the mirror. He took a few paper towels to try and clean the stain from his pants, not wanting to walk out with it on. He thanked the universe for deciding not to wear his beige pants in the morning, which he was almost about to.

Kingsley didn't look up when he heard footsteps walking towards him, but maintained a stoic face as he kept wiping the cloth. He knew it wouldn't make a difference now, but he needed some distraction from the other man.

"Reece," Lorenzo finally broke the silence, and Kingsley paused his movements for a second, before continuing it again. "Reece, will you please look at me?"

"No," Kingsley grumbled, he knew he sounded like a child, but he didn't care.


"Why?" Kingsley asked, he stopped aggressively wiping his pants, but was still looking at the ground. "Why should I?"

"Because... Reece, please just look at me," Lorenzo repeated, his voice sounding desperate.

Kingsley closed his eyes shut, taking a deep breath in to center himself, before turning around to look at Lorenzo once again. Kingsley's jaw was locked tight, and his gaze was piercing as he stared at the other man. Lorenzo's expression, however, grew softer the moment Kingsley faced him. Kingsley knew that emotion. Relief.

"What do you want, Lorenzo?" Kingsley asked, his voice stern.

"I want to apologize," Lorenzo replied.

"For what?" Kingsley raised a questioning brow. "What was that phone call all about? Were you drunk?"

"Would you believe me if I said I was completely sober?" Lorenzo let out a dry laugh. "Javi and his fiancé are staying over and just watching them together... it reminded me of us and I just had this strong urge to hear your voice. I couldn't control myself. I was in all of my senses yet I couldn't control myself from running back to you."

"You seemed to have controlled yourself just fine by not picking up my call," Kingsley muttered, still salty about the instance.

"I apologize for that. I was too much of a coward to talk to you," Lorenzo admitted.


"Because I was afraid you wouldn't want to talk to me and... and just that thought—" Lorenzo cleared his throat before continuing. "I'm so sorry for how I handled things, Reece. When you told me how close that reporter was to telling the world about us, I... I just panicked. The only solution I saw was ending things with you, but I know now that I could've been a much better boyfr—"

"We were never... that," Kingsley sharply interrupted Lorenzo. "You did what was right for you. I'm not... I'm not angry at you for ending things. Nothing is worth ruining everything you've spent years building."

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