An authors tidbit

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✽ Hello luvs, welcome to the second book of Kya. I am happy to say that I have the entire series from this point on written out (yes even book 3) 

✽ If you haven't read book one please do, it'll help you grasp who Kya is/was as a person before leaving with Zuko and Iroh on their adventure across the Earth Kingdom

✽ I hope to update a few chapters each day but of course with my schedule I'll try my best to make it happen. If not you'll get at least one chapter every single day don't worry        

✽ I've had a lot of fun writing this so I hope you enjoy as well (o_ _)ノ彡☆

✽ Last thing, I'll be doing a QnA if anyone is interested in learning more of Kyas past and whatnot at the end of this book. Feel free to ask question in any chapter and I'll answer them. 

Anyways let us begin!

I may or may not  be planning to make a finished illustration of Kya once we reach a certain amount of reads <( ̄︶ ̄)> 

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