Chapter 17

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We had the grand opening of The Jasmine Dragon. I found out that Iroh and Akira talked in private about making the new uniforms for the tea shop. It was her big break, now she worked in the Middle Ring of the city. I congratulated her, but she then told me to not say anything until she reaches the Upper Ring. The new uniforms were a lot nicer and of better quality then those old, raggedy aprons we used to wear.

The tables were packed as everyone in Ba Sing Se heard that the greatest tea maker in the city opened up his own shop. Two ladies greeted everyone coming in and out of the tea shop. I wondered if that girl would actually come to have some tea, I had never seen her go when we worked for Pao. Maybe she only lived in the Upper Ring.

"Who thought that when we came to the city as refugees that I'd end up owning my own tea shop," Iroh spoke, "Follow your passion, Zuko, and Kya, and life will reward you,"

"Congratulations Uncle," Zuko said with a smile.

I smiled at him, it felt like I was melting on the inside.

"You deserve all this," I said to Iroh.

"I'm very thankful," Iroh said.

"The Jasmine Dragon will be the best tea shop in the city," Zuko said.

"No, I'm thankful because you decided to share this special day with me. It means more than you know," Iroh said looking at him.

I smiled warmly as the two hugged. Zuko then pulled me into the hug. It felt so great. Zuko really changed. My heart opened to change, and I found someone who I learned to love. It was hard to believe I love someone I used to hate so much.

"Well we were almost late because someone made us go on a date before opening," I said.

"Now let's serve, these people tea!" Zuko cheered as I laughed.

I couldn't help myself and ruffled Zuko's hair then grabbed another tray.

"Yes, let's make some tea!" Iroh said running to the kitchen.

"Its weird to see Zuko like this," I smiled to Iroh.

"Its weird to see you being so open about how you feel too," Iroh joked.

I scrunched my nose playfully at Iroh who chuckled. After a while I took a break for a moment, I stepped out alone as I let out a deep sigh. I never thought I could be this happy again, it had been so long since I could consider my life happy despite the bad things. It reminded me of a time when my family was whole. I was starting to feel whole again. I closed my eyes as I hummed.

"Kya?!" I heard Katara, my sister. I shot my eyes open as I suddenly felt her embrace me in a hug.

I didn't know how to feel but all I could do is hug her back,"It's so good to see you again," She said happily holding my hands,"I didn't know you were in Ba Sing Se," She continued,"You must've escaped right after helping Zuko's uncle right?"

"Katara wait-" I sighed.

"Lets go find Sokka and Aang. Their going to be so happy. And you have to meet Toph!"

She wouldn't even let me finish talking. So I had to interrupt her.

"I didn't leave Zuko," I said at the same time as she said, "Its great you got away from Zuko,"

"What?" She said harshly.

"Uncle, I need two Jasmine, one green, and one leechy!" Zuko yelled from inside the store.

"I'm brewing as fast as I can!" Iroh yelled back to him.

I looked down biting my lip as I can feel Katara's anger continue to grow. She started running away as I chased after her. I stood infront of her holding her arm so she wouldn't run away.

"Prince Zuko is working at a tea shop with you!" She yelled.

"He's changed," I said with a blank expression, this is exactly what I didn't want to confront,"He isn't who he was before," I looked at her with sad eyes.

"He tried to capture Aang! How can you side with him?!" Katara backed away,"Have you stopped caring for us? Just like you stopped caring for everything in your life,"

"You don't understand," I said heartbroken at her words as she backed away.

I grabbed her wrist,"I'm not siding with Zuko," I said coldly.

I was lying to my own sister. I could hear my heart splitting into a million pieces. I looked at her with begging eyes to believe me. She had to if I wanted to save our relationship.

She glared at me then sighed.

"A day of black sun," She paused hesitating. I held her hand hoping she would finish,"Thats the day we'll take down the Fire Nation for good,"

"I'll join you by then," I with fake confidence trying to get her to believe me. She tried to study my eyes, but she sighed in defeat.

"I gotta go back," She said tightly holding my hand still,"Join us soon. Get away from Zuko and come back to your family. Where you belong," She ran away with Momo.

Where I belong.

I got back to the tea shop. It was still bustling with customers. Zuko never got the chance to ask where I was for the whole time I was gone. It was for the better, I don't know how I would've answered if he asked as soon as I came back. He probably assumed I stayed out longer because there were a lot more customers then usual. As we closed shop I sighed.

"Long day?" Zuko asked as he sweeped.

"I'm just a little tired," I said groaning. Not because I was tired but because I was worried.

Zuko continued to look at me, trying to find hints that I was lying to him.

"I'm okay," I said squishing his cheeks this time,"Stop worrying so much about me,"

I gave him a quick peck on the lips as he placed one hand around me waist,"How can I not worry about you?" He kissed back.

It was comforting.

"A message from the Royal Palace," Announced a messenger.

Zuko and I turned our heads to the entrance of the tea shop as the messenger handed a scroll to Iroh walking out.

"I-I can't believe it!" Iroh grinned widely.

"What is it, uncle?" Zuko asked holding my hand and walking us over.

"Great news! We've been invited to serve tea to the Earth King!" Iroh smiled running to the kitchen, scroll in hand.

Zuko smiled sweetly.

"We're going to the Royal Palace," I said shocked, my excitement for Iroh pushed down the worry I had knowing my sister was here. I didn't want to ruin this amazing thing for Iroh and his new tea shop, even if a small part of me told me this may be a bad idea.

"Yea," Zuko replied still smiling.

I hugged Zuko tightly the smile I had didn't fade from my face.

"I love your smile," I said softly as he hugged me back.

"And I love you," Zuko said.

I was taken aback by his sudden confession,"Hm?"

"Thank you for being with me," I felt my face flush feeling my entire body swarm with butterflies. He held both of my hands. His warm touch sparking a tingling sensation throughout my entire body.

"Don't say those thing and just show it," I hummed to him cupping his cheeks and pulling him in.

It was a passionate and intense kiss. The world felt like it was fading away. Feeling Zuko's heart  in his neck as my fingers traced down reaching his shoulder. His hands gripping onto my waist. Like every single one of our kisses, he was smiling into it. It was perfect.

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