Chapter 7

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"He'll be fine Zuko," I said sitting down next to him as we watched Iroh sleep, "He's fully healed thanks to the water from the oasis. He's just fatigued from the impact,"

Zuko kept quiet, "If you keep being so gloomy Iroh isn't going to wake up feeling as refreshed as he should," I said looking into his eyes. Zuko sighed leaning back into the wall.

"Thank you," He whispered, I barely heard it. I hummed a your welcome.

We waited in silence, I would get up to stretch here and there. We both still kept a very close eye on Iroh for when he would wake up. I knew he was fine but I was still worried. At one point Zuko got up to say he was going to make tea for when Iroh woke up. He came back in serving me a cup.

"Uncle,"Zuko said, Iroh was waking up. I dropped my tea as I helped him sit up,"You were unconscious. Azula, did this to you. It was a surprise attack,"

"Somehow that's not so surprising," Iroh replied. I helped him lean back against the wall.

Zuko handed Iroh a cup of his steaming tea, "I hope I made it the way you like it,"

I realized I dropped mine as Iroh took a sip of his tea. I saw how his face cringed, I quickly looked down avoiding anyone seeing me trying to internally contain my amused gaze.

"Mm, good," Iroh choked down the tea before handing Zuko back the cup,"That was very uh, bracing,"

I choked back a laugh. As Zuko served more tea. Iroh threw the tea out the window. Zuko then passed me mine once again. I looked over at Iroh with my amused gaze as he shook his head in disapproval. I water bended the tea out the window.

"Its great," I said giving a small smile.

"So uncle, I've been thinking. It's only a matter of time before I run into Azula again. I'm going to need to know more advanced fire bending if I want to stand a chance against her," Zuko said,"I know what you're going to say, she's my sister and I should be trying to get along with her."

"No, she's crazy and she needs to go down,"

"Agreed," I nodded she was crazy for shooting at her own family. Weirdly I was both afraid of her yet not. It was an eerie feeling to shake.

Iroh went to get up. I looked over at him concerned.

"I'm fine now thanks to you Kya. Rest your worried eyes. It is time for Zuko to resume his training,"

"Lightning is a pure expression of fire bending, without aggression. It is not fueled by rage or emotion, the way other fire bending is. Some call lightning the 'Cold Blooded Fire'. It is precise and deadly like Azula. To perform the technique requires peace of mind," Iroh explained.

"I see, that's why we're drinking tea. To calm the mind," Zuko said, it wasn't, Iroh was just a tea addict.

"Ooh yeah, good point!" Iroh paused, "I mean yes," I snickered finishing the tea Iroh made. Iroh and Zuko looked over at me. I smiled serving myself another cup.

Iroh then took us out to a mountain edge.

"There is energy all around us. The energy is both Ying and Yang. Positive energy and negative energy. Only a select few fire benders can separate these energies. This created an imbalance. The energy wants to restore balance and in the moment, the positive and negative energy comes crashing back together. You provide release and guidance, creating lightning," Iroh explained telling Zuko and I to step back.

We both did as Iroh demonstrated it by releasing lightning into the sky. I was mesmerized, left speechless. So this is a sub bending for fire. I amazingly looked back at Iroh wide eyed. If it wasn't so deadly it truly was quite beautiful. I stood there in silence as Zuko spoke up.

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