Chapter 4

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We sat in the sun after a long ride. The ostrich horse slept behind us, while Iroh began asking for money. I was tired, constantly stifling a yawn and stretching. I couldn't sleep. I leaned against the ostrich horse with my hand over my eyes. The sun was especially bright today. Zuko's arms were crossed angrily looking down as Iroh continued to beg for spare coins to whoever passed by.

"This is humiliating. We're royalty, these people should be giving us whatever we want," Zuko said with annoyance.

Ex royalty. I corrected in my mind.

"They will, if you ask nicely," Iroh replied.

I sighed, lowering my hand from my face and sitting up.

"Spare change for a hungry old man?" Iroh asked a lady passing by.

"Aw, here you go," She said, dropping a couple coins into Iroh's straw hat.

"The coin is appreciated but not as much as your smile," Iroh complimented earning a giggle from the lady as she walked away. Zuko facepalmed himself, he was growing more frustrated by the second.

"Stop complaining. If I need to remind you we're broke," I said.

Zuko was about to shoot back an angry remark as a man came over.

"How about some entertainment in exchange for a gold piece?" The man said holding out a gold coin.

"We're not performers," Zuko said containing his annoyance.

"Not professionals, anyway," Iroh said standing up.

"It's a long long way to Ba Sing Se," Iroh began to sing.

"But the girls in the city they look so pretty," I joined in with him from where I sat, it was a catchy song after hearing it so many times.

"Come on, we're talking a gold piece!" The man said pulling a pair of dual blades.

I was about to get up before Zuko grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him, holding me by the shoulders.

"Dance," The man demanded slashing at Iroh's feet.

I looked at Iroh concerned, he just nodded. I glared at the man and continued to sing coldly in unison with Iroh.

"They kiss so sweet, that you really got to meet the girls from Ba Sing Se,"

Zuko dug his nails into my shoulders. I winced a bit, shrugging his hands off then placing my hand on one of my shoulders.

"Sorry," He said in a slightly annoyed but apologetic tone, putting his hands to his knees and clutching them even harder then my shoulders.

I could understand him though. I was annoyed enough but Zuko is Iroh's nephew. Knowing him he must be fuming at this prick who was publicly degrading us.

"Nothing like a fat man dancing for his dinner. Here you go!" The man said laughing tossing the coin onto the floor and walking away.

"Such a kind man," Iroh said sitting back down with a smile.

"He was wonderful," I hissed taking some water freezing a foot quickly causing the man to fall face first to the ground. The man was confused and quickly got back up before running away.

Zuko kept looking at the man. I moved myself forward blocking his view so that he'd stop looking at the man. He looked down still clutching his fists.

Yea, I know. I'm pissed about it too.

We had set up camp after eating the cheapest plate, splitting it between the three of us. Iroh was fast asleep. I watched the night sky, the moon light shined down. I smiled while touching my necklace.

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