Chapter 3

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Zuko and I did our best to carry Iroh to a nearby village. Thankfully it wasn't too far away. We found an herbalist after asking around to treat Iroh's rash.

"You three must not be from around here, we know better than to touch the White Jade," The nice girl who was attending to Iroh, smacking away his hand before he began scratching again. "Much less to turn it into tea and drink it,"

"Oops," Iroh said laughing, his swelling was a lot worse from when we first saw him.

"So where are you traveling from?" The girl asked

"Yes, we're travelers!" Zuko weirdly shot up. I placed my hand on my mouth.

Wow you suck at lying.

"Do you have names?" She continued to ask.

"Names?" Zuko said , trying to think of something,"Of course we have names. I'm," He paused again," Lee and this is my uncle, uh Mushi," He said with an awkward smile. My eyes widened. Spirits save us.

Iroh glared at Zuko for the stupid name.

"Yes my nephew was named after his father so we just call him Junior," He smiled over at Zuko who motioned a you're dead to his uncle. "And this is my nephew's lovely girlfriend,"


"Shui," I whispered to Zuko before he went stupid again.

"Shui!" Zuko said a bit too loudly. I groaned mostly to myself. Both of their acting is horrible. Any other person would have noticed something suspicious already.

"Mushi, Junior and Shui. Huh?" She sweetly smiled at us.

I fake giggled, grabbing Zuko's hand and digging my nails into his skin. He kept his anger in as the girl turned back to Iroh. Zuko snapped his hand away from mine, rubbing where nail marks are now present on his hand. I smiled brightly putting my hands behind my back.

"Your crazy," He whispered to me.

"Right back at you," I whispered back.

"My name is Song. You three look like you could use a good meal, why don't you stay for dinner?" She asked us kindly while swatting Iroh's hand away before he scratched himself.

"Sorry but we need to be moving on," Zuko declined. Iroh and I sighed. I was starving.

"That's too bad, my mom always makes too much roast duck," Song said.

"Roast duck?" I asked softly, looking at her with wishful eyes. A proper meal and it wasn't fish!

"Where do you live exactly?" Iroh asked quickly leaning over to her.

Song took us to her house after treating Iroh. We sat down around the table, I sat between Zuko and Iroh as we patiently waited for the food. I hummed silently feeling excited to eat.

"Well, aren't you two sight for sore eyes," Song's mother said to Zuko and I. I looked down briefly "Quite the good looking couple!"

"Thank you for your hospitality," I said politely.

"Ironically, war brings people closer together so I'm sure you both love each other very much," She added. I looked over at Zuko who was blushing ever since she called us a 'good looking couple'. I nervously laughed.

"Mom," Song whined as the room became awkward.

"My daughter tells me you are refugees," The lady said switching the topic, setting the roasted duck down, "We were once refugees ourselves,"

"When I was a little girl, the Fire Nation raided our farming village," Song said with a saddened tone,"All the men were taken away. That was the last time I saw my father,"

Kya Maiden of the Sea Book 2 ATLAजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें