Chapter 2

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The next morning I went out to practice my water bending. I swirled the water around as the faint smell of the ocean tingled my nose. I wanted to stay back if he really decided to leave. But I knew deep down I shouldn't. Maybe if he takes over the throne he can fix things. I kept blabbing positive things to ignore my worries. I sighed, touching my necklace. Am I really doing the right thing by being here?

"I thought you had already went you own way," Iroh chuckled, carrying my bag.

I shook my head as I retrieved my bag from him. He noticed my worries.

"Destiny has a funny way of unraveling itself but when you reach the end. It's not as crazy as you once thought," Iroh said, placing his hand on my back.

He was right. Even if I didn't want to go to the Fire Nation it would be for the best. I try to do what I can to change things. Or get killed trying at least. I laughed internally, mocking myself.

Iroh called out to Zuko,"Wait! Don't leave without us,"

"Uncle, you've changed your mind!" Zuko looked at us with a smile. I smiled back.

"Family sticks together right?" Iroh said placing a hand on his nephews shoulder.

"We're finally going home," Zuko said and they both looked down at the ship,"You're coming too?" He said acknowledging my presence.

"Of course, going to the Fire Nation seems," I smiled trying to make something up,"Like an experience I won't forget,"

As Zuko walked away Iroh observed the ship with suspicious eyes. I had now realized why he decided to come along. He didn't trust anything Azula said. It made me trust her less. As we walked down to the dock, soldiers lined the rim of the dock all the way to where Azula waited at the entrance to board the deck. An intriguing glare was sent my way by her. I was wearing the colony's clothes but it was clear I was from the Water Tribe. My clear blue eyes were a stark give away. I wondered why she would look at me like that rather than a death filled glare.

"Brother, Uncle, and the new friend, welcome!," Azula called from the top "I'm so glad you decided to come,"

Soldiers backed in two single filed lines behind us, a sense of hostility loomed the air. 

"Are you ready to depart your highness?" The captain asked Azula

"Set our course for home captain," She replied.

"Home," Zuko said, relaxing his expression. We started walking up to the deck.

"You heard the princess, raise the anchors, we're taking the prisoners home," The captain announced. Azula's gaze immediately flipped once the captain slipped his tongue. He stuttered not knowing how to act, Zuko looked shocked and Iroh quickly attacked the soldiers.  

"Shit," I muttered.

"You lied to me!" Zuko yelled at Azula

"Like I've never done that before," She smiled, waving him off.

I shot the guards off the boat in a big wave and sent a shard of ice flying to the soldier behind me. Of course, something was up. I blocked incoming attacks as Iroh pushed the guard off the deck. I continued sending ice whips to those surrounding me. I created rings of water shooting ice spears at anyone who tried approaching me.

"Zuko, let's go!" Iroh called.

He didn't come. I frustratingly ran after him. He was ready to fight his sister on the deck. Zuko angrily attacked Azula as she gracefully dodged his attacks. Azula taunted Zuko calling him a failure. Zuko got angrier as I fought off more soliders trying to attack me. I threw the soldier off the boat looking to Azula, who began to gather lightning and shoot it at Zuko. I was shocked as I saw Iroh zoom past me grabbing her hand and making the lightning hit the mountains side. Then Iroh kicked Azula off the deck. Zuko and I looked at each other reaching out to drag the other. We ended up grabbing each other's wrists. It was uncomfortable but we started running like that. I was amazed. So she could bend lightning. I was impressed but also kinda freaked out. We continued running for miles.

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