Chapter 5

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We entered the village which was mainly vacant. It was a poor place. Only one merchant to supply goods. I sighed as we passed by old men playing a game as they stared at us walking by. I kept my sights straight avoiding a malicious glare from the men.

I guess not too many new people come and go from here.

The hot sun burned against my skin. I cleared my throat, forcefully choking down sand and dirt.

Zuko and I got off the ostrich horse as we stopped in front of the merchants stand.

"Could I get some water, a bag of feed, and something hot to eat?" Zuko said, holding out the two coins.

"Not enough here for a hot meal," The merchant said, "I can get you two bags of feed," He tried compensating the little money we had.

Zuko and I nodded as Zuko handed over my waterskin to be filled with water. I could feel the mens glare on us as we stood with out backs to them. I took a deep breath wiping the sweat off my forehead, lifting my hat a bit. Two boys giggled. I looked to my right to see two boys throwing eggs at the men. I watched warily as the boys quickly ran off. I looked back at Zuko who also watched the two boys.

"Hey!" A man yelled as I heard footsteps walk towards us. Zuko and I didn't turn around,"You throwing eggs at us, stranger?"

"No," Zuko replied, still keeping his back turned.

"You see who did throw it?" The man continued.

Zuko turned around placing his hand on the grip.


"That your favorite word? No?" Another soldier asked.

"Egg had to come from somewhere," 

"Maybe a chicken flew over," Zuko dryly joked turning to me. I laughed to myself, keeping my cold gaze.

"Anything you got to say little lady," The man said to me as we locked eyes.

"Does one have to speak when the possum mice squeak?" I said.

"That pretty mouth of your sure has some sass," The man replied with annoyance.

I wanted to stab his arm if I was being completely honest and I was ready to. Zuko turned me back so we could retrieve our feed. He had a small smirk on his face from my remark. I realized in that moment that what I said was a rhyme and snicked under my breath.

The merchant brought the feed and placed it on the counter, but the man came over and grabbed it himself.

"Thanks for your contribution. The army appreciates your support," The man tossed one of his man the bags.

I scoffed to myself, these men are soldiers?

They walked away, their head looked back glaringly, "You better leave town, penalty for staying is a lot steeper than you can afford. Strangers, trust me," He threatened tapping his metal hammer.

"What a dick," I muttered

"Those soldiers are supposed to protect us from the Fire Nation but they're just a bunch of thugs," The merchant said, handing me back my waterskin.

Zuko silently walked to the ostrich horse and I followed.

"Thanks for not ratting me out," The boy who threw the eggs said from the other side of the bird. I looked him while an unamused Zuko helped me up onto the ostrich horse.

"I'll take you to my house and feed your ostrich horse for you," The boy offered, holding the rein in his hand. He didn't wait for us to respond as he pulled us off,"Come on, I owe you,"

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