Chapter 14

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I got to the outside of our apartment building, panting from the sudden sprint. I fixed my hair a bit waiting outside for Zuko to come back. Anxiously patting my dress every couple of seconds. I was shaking on the inside as I stood outside waiting for him. 

Am I really going to do this? My family is going to kill me if they find out. What am I supposed to tell them?

I groaned at myself. I could feel it, this was something I really wanted.

"Kya?" Zuko said as he approached me.

"Zuko, your back," I hesitated, still nervous,"Like the dress?" I asked watching as Zuko scanned me.

A light red tint brushed across his face as his eyes reached my face.

"You look," He cleared his throat,"beautiful,".

I smiled softy,"How was your date?" I asked handing him the flower Akira gave me.

"It ended soon because Akira came saying that two people stole the most expensive flower from Jin's parents flower shop," Zuko said amused awkwardly holding the flower in his hand.

I widened my eyes, mostly in shock.

"Akira stole the flower," I muttered.

Zuko let out a laugh, causing me to look at him.

"Well if you don't like it I can always take it back," I said bluntly trying to take the flower from his hands.

Zuko shielded me from taking it,"But you gave it to me," He said still blushing.

I could feel my heart clench. My mind stopped pondering on the what if's. I reached out grabbing Zuko's arm and pulling him to me. Our lips crashed into each other. My arms instinctively wrapped around him as we embraced each other in a soft yet passionate kiss. The flower Zuko had dropped to the floor as he dove deeper into the kiss, placing his now free hands on my waist.

I want to be happy, this makes me happy. And I don't want to let it go.

We broke the kiss.

"All I want right now is you. I think it's all I ever wanted for a while now," I said with a smile. My eyes begged him for a response.

Zuko stood still staring at me, stunned at my sudden outburst. He just looked at me, that mutual feeling from the boat came rushing back to the both of us. The street lamps dimmed, just barely letting us see each other at this late hour.

Just say something, do anything, please.

He pulled me back smiling into the kiss,"I wish I was the one who could say it first," he said softly with his raspy voice.

It felt as if time stopped, like the world decided to pause itself just for the two of us. I couldn't think of anything else, nor did I want to. It was just us two, together, under the night sky, in a peaceful city. A perfect moment, for two people just trying to find themselves within the chaos of their lives.

We let go of each other after what felt like hours, which was in reality a few minutes. The street lamps dimmed more and we decided to call it a night. We walked into the apartment with a blush and a smile plastered on our faces, like two idiots that struck gold, but that was okay with us.

"How was your night?" Iroh asked as we entered.

"It was nice," Zuko replied still holding my hand.

"Goodnight," I said letting go of Zuko's hand and heading to my room.

I laid on my bed, taking a deep breath before laughing to myself. My smile didn't fade from my face. A fluffy sensation filled my veins and my heart felt like it would jump out of my chest. I was happy, and it felt wrong to be as happy as I am. I sighed, placing my hand on my necklace.

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